New custom map swat 4 "Police Station" (Visit vers

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Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

New link with new version, just added more suspects on garage and second floor. Smile


Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

STA, I have an issue with the mission. I copy it to both Content and ContentExpansion (Once at a time, per test) and the game doesn't seem to register it in Host list or even in SP.

What should the mission name be in the list? maybe I missed it. Or are there specific install instructions? Or is this mission for Swat 4 and not Swat 4 TSS?

Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Its normal for custom maps, in sp for open the map you need to open console and typ "open + name of the map" so for this map is "open PoliceStation_finaltest22"

You can play with tss.

And for host for me is ok, just select coop Smile

EDIT: New version, evidences room now is bigger, and some suspects less to improve the fluidity. (Now max 39)


Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

Sorry about delayed response.

I just tested the mission. Got to say it's a very detailed mission and indeed very fun to play. I laughed at the Mona Lisa Nutella photo LOL.

GJ STA! And thanks! Biggrin

As for complaints, don't have any of a big value. I did notice the map is laggy but probably because there are either too many suspects or the SP AI lags by default (can't remember as I didn't play SP in a long time until today)

Next up I hope we get a final version and host it on a server Blum 3

Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Thanks Wink

hehe yes the mona lisa is funny, have you see my Wanted posters and care sale on the reception room ? Smile

OK The only thing I can do to improve this lag is down suspects....

Just need more people to try like that in coop multiplayer.


Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

Lol yes. Funny posters indeed. It's good to see a map with more detail than the average custom map;)

As for the testing, we need to do an online test to be able to actually determine whether it really lags that badly or not because netcode behaves differently.

Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide
