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Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago

This discussion is going no where. I don't know what happened to you Spidey, but your comments here are not founded... If you think we are trolling in our server, you should open your eyes. As for admining the server 24/7, it is impossible. We have lives. I am seriously sick of seeing bad comments on the gameplay on the servers, because SAS is putting a lot of effort to ensure a good tactical gaming type in all our servers (Swat4 and RVS). So if you guys want to bitch one an other on what happened a couple years ago, do it in private.

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

This discussion is going no where. I don't know what happened to you Spidey, but your comments here are not founded... If you think we are trolling in our server, you should open your eyes. As for admining the server 24/7, it is impossible. We have lives. I am seriously sick of seeing bad comments on the gameplay on the servers, because SAS is putting a lot of effort to ensure a good tactical gaming type in all our servers (Swat4 and RVS). So if you guys want to bitch one an other on what happened a couple years ago, do it in private.

I am not the one who changed Nick, SAS has. 7 years ago SAS was an organization that strove to better itself in every way, every day, no matter what level it was. That's what people who signed on back then knew or learned. What this thread shows is that is now taboo, at least when anyone implies your imperfections exist will be met as if it is. This has been the consensus of Non-SAS that have spoken to me about this thread: or as I responded "Closed minds". You are not seeking to better yourself, you are only seeing what you want to see. You are blocking out whatever you don't like and not trying to make yourselves better than what you are and that will be your epic tombstone.

The sadness of how many hours I poured into this clan over the years, called and uncalled on top of working a back breaking job -- almost made me decide to exercise my legal rights and h ave my account and it's 8563 posts removed. Instead, I have asked [SAS]_LtCol_WIZ to have my account banned from this forum. That way you won't have to worry about an old SAS man reporting your imperfections.

If you don't think it is possible to serve that much to be sad at what SAS is becoming, look at how much time Random, Wiz, myself and a handful of others have put forward over the years: families, work, and SAS until we passed out on the floor (except maybe Random, but he's got dark jedi batteries). People work for the bone for things they love, not because they have to but because they choose to be that good. You will think differently when your exit comes someday.

Good bye forum.

Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago

Welp, I don't know if you're still listening Spidey, but here's what I say: I still can't believe that after all we went through yesterday; all the good, tactical games we had, you're still talking like this.

If you honestly think that SAS has deteriorated so much as you say, you must have some sort of mental handicap. You're taking the consensus of the very pubbers that are the problem, and making it look like SAS is the problem.

I believe that the reason these public players (the amount is not that large, actually) have a problem with SAS is because of our tactical teamplay mentality. These are the people that, halfway through our tactical plan and loadout, are shouting "GO GO GO GOGOG OGOGOGOOG".

Goodbye Spidey, sorry we couldn't change your mind (or should I be glad?)

I'm always willing to try to change it in the future, if we ever meet again.

Proud SAS Trooper,

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago

metaphoric tears going down my cheek now Cray 2 "water under the bridge" I would have said but then that happened I-m so happy
may the epic win that is [SAS] never die..

From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

For the record, im reading all of this; and the emails; and i must stress that Spidey better try a lot harder to get banned lol

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago

Well all i can say that we are doing quite well considering that NTF members when they were in this clan destroyed 60% of our webadmin files and brought a culture of moaning !

We are on our feet and moving forward Spidey, if you cant see that then dont say anything at all.


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

You know if we get as many 'friend status' and clanners on teamspeak as possible it would help a hell of lot in the way of communications. That's a big step in gameplay in my opinion.

My idea of CQB is running in with a sword.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago

The NTF founders were the biggest impedence to this team moving forward, when they gave me the perfect opportunity to purge them from the ranks, I jumped on it.

Spidey, you also thought that evolution meant having to constantly update the written word of the SOPs. I think you just got frustrated in what you saw as GCHQ's inflexibility and resistance to change or perceived foot-dragging. We all change every day. The Bible hasn't changed in a long time. While I'm not directly comparing the historical significance of the Good Book with our SOPs, the SOPs shouldn't have to change either. Our interpretation of those words will evolve and the lessons will always be timely. The only changes that need to be added are updates to equipment or updates required due to how the physical environment of the newer games force us to be more inclusive of other concepts.

The SOPs that were wrestled with a few times for years that never sounded professional and droned on and on forever about incorrect tactical theory were nothing I was ever going to put my name on. I tried editing them for hours on end and finally got fed up and stopped. I couldn't fix them, so they needed to be scrapped and re-done.

These current SOPs are not perfect by a long stretch, but they come the closest to what my vision for an SOP should be.

We should not spend time mulling over SOPs. Get a sense for them and train. More training yields deeper understanding and exploration of various nuances of each sentence or paragraph or chapter.

I knew that the people who occupied the ranks who were supervisory and contributory to that project were never going to roll out anything professional. Everything was too detailed to the point of trying to anticipate all circumstances. No one will ever be able to remember that stuff. Not to mention it was all fundamentally different for each game.

SOPs have to be broad strokes and generally applicable to all games we play. The lessons must be learned from experience and not memorization. The current SOPs give you the fundamentals of how to approach things and as your experience evolves, the SOPs seem more and more relevant and essentially evolve with you as you appreciate the depth of their wisdom.

We are not closed-minded just because we don't want to listen to other opinions about tactics. Our tactics work. None are fundamentally flawed. I'd rather spend more time training than tweaking SOPs. While our tactics might not work for you or your circle of people who think like you (your definition of closed-minded by the way), they work for us. That's what matters.

We also run our selection course to find and bring in people who think like we do. They will fit in. They will stay. Our team will survive. Your definition of closed-minded is my definition of aligned.

When we had idiotic DS members who felt the need to fundamentally change things for the sake of change, not for improvement. These members were bringing in people who fit their vision and not the SAS vision, so they became disgruntled when SAS wouldn't bend to their will and they left.

Just think of the SWAT tactic of pressing your body against a door that has c2 set on it and running full speed into it until it explodes and you go hurtling into the room. I call this tactic Explosive Door Humping. This was the kind of stuff these HG4 and NTF members were trying to pass along to our new rcts. Total crap. Completely unrealistic garbage. As a side-note, if you are carrying a tazer while you do this, you would make a great RAU member. Contact pumaseal via xfire.)

It's not a fault with SAS, it's a fault with the DS members who wanted to bring these wackos and their tactical abortions in to SAS. I blame myself for selecting an absentee CO who passed it to another absentee CO before I was able to retake the helm. They were not arround to man the tiller and the cancer took root. Fortunately, I was able to lead SAS again. I did not repeat my mistake. WIZ will continue the SAS vision and move down the predetermined path.

So, that faction of freaks was so firmly entrenched we were stuck with it....until that bright day 2 years ago when the malcontented morons thought they would take over the team.

They did us the biggest favor anyone could do. They left. Problem solved. Course correction initiated. Team rebuilt.

I would not write that epitaph just yet, my disillusioned, ex-friend.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

No signal..................................

GPS signal re-gained

cuurently tracking 11 satelites Wink

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Arctic's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago

When i play on rvs server, I always try to play with SAS m8:s and do the teamwork (not when i'm the only one alive).

However, as EZ mentioned before that most of the regular players want to do it with "lone wolf-style". If we have 8 players on the server and 3-4 are making an element and 5-4 guys are doing it lone wolf, elements teamplay ability falls down since lone wolfers do everything alone, and messes up element plans Biggrin

IMO best way would be use to SWAT 4 server conduct on RvS where we pick a element leader, he tells plan, eq, formation etc. if we would like to increase teamplaying in RvS, but I guess these lone wolf regular players will change their regular server quite fast Biggrin .

This is how it was done back when I first joined. Im not saying its not my fault but the SAS presence is lacking and Im just as guilty as a lot of others. As Nick said tho, a lot of our members are busy working during the week and we have some members who are in school. As far as the idiots go that tend to ruin gameplay for our regulars, I cant apologize for them cause unfortunately thats not gonna solve anything.

However, a SAS member shouldnt need to be present to set up an element. Anyone can do it. In fact when Im on the server I actually like to see non-SAS take charge cause it shows that your actually interested in our style of play instead of us "Forcing" it on you.

I understand the need for our presence to admin the servers and what have you, and Im making an effort on my part to be there. But usually when i go to get on the server they are full and Im not able to get on so I go play a different game. But if there are issues with players then let someone know via xfire.


I didnt read everyones post before making this but I will add this.

Spidey your not the only one who has been a member of this clan for so many years. I joined a while back so far back I cant even remember when it was. Yes I left and yes I came back more than once. But overall I still try to keep the old school ways going. Call me an idiot as you will I dont care, I believe the old school ways worked.

But, even wishing things could go back to the way they were when we first joined isnt going to happen. Over time things change which force people to change their ways no matter how hard they want to cling to something. We cant look to the past, we can only look to the future.

You left the clan for your own reasons. Whatever the reason is your business not mine, and I personally dont give a damn why. But coming onto the forums bashing everyone and everything that we as SAS are trying to do isnt helping. Those of us who stayed when all that crap with NTF went down stayed because we believed that we could push this team forward. Those who left, left because they couldnt conform or were just to ignorant.

Now, with all this being said and it may not make sense but I too am tired of people complaining about the RVS gameplay. There is absolutely positively no current way for us to monitor our servers 24/7 (as this has been said in many posts). And seeing as how people have lives its hard to sit in a server for 8 hours straight now. If this was an issue when I first joined that this would be solved. Back then I was able to put in 16 hour days without a second thought. But time moved on, I have a wife and two kids now who get more of my attention than a game.

I dont really give two cents why you left or for whatever reason you feel you have to justify why you left. The fact still remains, YOU turned your back on this team, not us. YOU left because you felt that you were being mistreated. Thats your right to do that. Just as I had the right to leave when the NTF punks were acting stupid upon my return to just as I have right to leave now without any explanation.

In any case, you talk about professionalism towards random during his post but yet you come onto OUR forums and bash us and continue to bring old crap back up. If you want to play on our servers fine, but at least have the decency to show us the respect by filling out the proper forms or contacting an admin on Xfire if there is a problem with OUR servers. Because as far as Im concerned your a public player now. Your not a vet. So any bitching and complaining you want to do can be left at the door unless you go thru the proper channels.

So, with all this said, I've finally got this off my chest. Cause ever since that NTF crap went down I've wanted to say some things but never did. I dont write on these forums unless I need to. But Im not gonna stand by and let some has been come onto the forums and bash SAS because they feel they're owed something.


Military life is having a plan. Then a new plan. Then another plan. Then the first plan. Then a brand new plan only to go back to the 2nd plan. 

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
The Swan, the Pike, and the Crab
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Well done Random, you have dug the thread back up and covered me in crap well in the doing. I commend you for using words the way a solider would conduct hand to hand combat. Wish you had used the right crap to cover me in but that's my minds value of truth over maximizing the strength of political spin. Nice attempt to obtain either a decisive victory or provoke me for pig wrestling. . Instead of accepting that wrestle offer however, I'll just provoke a moderator to lock this thread.

What everyone here forgets however, I have never cared very much what [SAS] thinks of me. I learned to separate that emotion from my actions very early on during 3 SAS internal wars and one crushed rebellion, all spent supporting GCHQ where others called for tar and feathers and officer expulsions. What any of you people think of me is not a price tag. That's the simple truth.

My objective has been achieved: you were poked awake.

Here's a little summery for cliff notes if anyone cares:

- I saw the server sucking: to few [SAS] around, to many publics that don't know the maps.

- I was asked why it was sucking.

- I checked with sources in field.

- The member on deck (Lodige) told me SWAT 4 was going strong now but RvS was in need of a crack down. Made it sound as if members had already been told RvS needed tighter [SAS] control, or that he felt it did. This seemed to be confirmed whenever I spoke to members available to question about why no one has been around for like 90% of the day and no one is controlling the publics. Wow, sounds like RvS became the wild land the more I talk to the more active peoples I'm able to reach.

- I posted that more skilled players were needed during the day.

- People posted it's "Fine when I'm on" or that they're "not around enough", etc and publics putting in their 2 cents. The usual rabble when people think inwards in response to being told this you need more skilled people on during the day.

- Eventually I looked back at this thread in surprise it was active. I forgot it was even posted.

- People started to debate a little about the issue of publics / tactical. Yogi's post reminded me that there was a crack down some years back because of [SAS] wolfing instead of doing proper games. Except for maybe 3 of them from that day, all are long gone.

- WIZ is aware I'm not happy with what I have seen. His words and notes on monitoring server activity suggest to me that I am not the only one seeing shit happen.

- Words with Lodige, Malty, maybe others +

I have to agree with LtCol here why has SAS members forgot that we have two official games?

I want to see the effort that is made in SWAT4 in RVS.

and Nicks response about being tired of such crud, was enough for me to decide that stabbing in the eye was appropriate. I'm so sure of it that I would have bet good money that there must be a private [SAS] thread somewhere in the last 6 months about RvS needing more control/etc, if I wasn't already told about a more recent one than this thread.

- Some call it bashing, some call it truth, some call it what a bull leaves in the pasture. Me: I call it poking in the eye.

- You were slacking off. I'm sure enough of that by the sight, feel, and smell before your immune system was stimulated. Nicks response made me feel very comfortable that a poke in the eye was warranted. Previous communicae with members re-enforced that RvS needed stimulation. The rest of the body benefits from a strong immune system the same way some bodies benefit from having a limb cut off.

- Randoms inductment for a wrestle and public slander of others made me tired enough that I stopped caring, because dealing with posts like Random blaming it all on NTF destroying [SAS] files and so on is exhausting and stirs the wrong fish in the kettle. Younger fish needed poking, not the old one with teeth. It's also irrelevant to server presence.

- But I recognize that is a price of choosing to upgrade from note of more skilled players being needed during the day, to a sharp poke in the eye. I'm a target, lart me but wake up!

Funny how faster than you can yell Banana Split there is such a sudden jack up in [SAS] powered game play and member presence on RvS, that it looks better than my watchful eye has seen grace Ubi in much, much too long. Almost like people have something to prove, or maybe if you shove a dog in the eye, it'll bite your finger instead of snoring while someone else breaks in. What's doubtful is whether or not it'll last but I'm to tired to be poking people in the eye. The server has always been a better place when people play more and snore less, and admins are not an hour or five away.

I don't care what people here think of that, only about the results. it's just as rude as your group arrogance at being the best and failing to look at what you are better than. Nothing more, nothing less.

Either way, I'm sure no one will argue that I didn't shove anyone in the eye. Now remember not to go bitch and moan that it was unnecessary, that no one has been impacted in the slightest except posting, that no one has been snoring on the game, or that no one has gotten more aware of playing tactically and getting the server, or that there were not more server incidents and crud because of lack of skilled players on the server, or that anyone has ever had to stoop to ordering people to control the crowds in server.

That almost makes me wonder if I've earned a thread locking, since my language is not enough to deserve censorship, and certainly no more "Bad stuff" than anything else that I or [SAS] members have posted here. And I log everything for the six o'clock news.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago

Play has not improved on the PG. Play is just more regularly documented on the PG since it was, in someone's opinion, lacking. You have accomplished nothing except to waste our time defending our server presence and what we do on the servers when we are there. Making posts that further reduce server time.

We are only arrogant if we are wrong. We are correct, so that just makes us intelligent. We don't look elsewhere because there is nowhere externally to look for improvement. Our members are getting better everyday.

We get stronger with each new member.

We certainly don't have anything to prove to a quitter like you, Spidey.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

Idea: Conflict Management Training, Conflict De-escalation! (joke)

My idea of CQB is running in with a sword.

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Right, as Commanding Officer of this team; i feel that it is i LtCol WIZ to lock this topic and leave the final word on the subject.

I have been watching this topic from its creation, evolution to eventual demise. I chose to leave it unlocked to see where it would go, and my instincts were right.... Nowhere !!

Now my thoughts

SAS is a lot stronger than it has been for many years in my opinion. Despite my lack of prescence on the gameservers..Those of you that know me and how i work, will know that without a shadow of a doubt...Im on the pulse (ill go into that in more detail later).
To say that Rvs is dead, based on the fact that S4 is massively more successfull right now is a false positive; it is merely tantamount to the dedication of our current membership making it more appealing to new members than any of the previous members could do, having said that; a majority of this can be attributed to the commitment of our own SAS_Duke.
Rvs may be going through one of those spells that we all have seen before, whereby the good cant do good for being over-run by the bad. But i can tell you for certain that something is about to blow that platform well and truly out of the water, higher than Ubi could have ever have dreamed, or probably created (i told you i was so far on the pulse that im ahead of it Wink )

Finally NTF + Spidey:

As i told you in private the other night spidey, you know that if you post something negative and derogatory to the hard work that we all put in here, you can bet that you will get a heated reply.

You cant whistle the dogs and then cry because they bit you

The NTF situation:
Yes it hurt us as ateam deeply, it especially hurt those people who's names were thrown to the wolves. Some people will never forget this incident, but again, slinging tar doesnt help anybody.

And to everyone else, thankyou for the generally usefull comments, however i think that it is highly unreasonable to throw mud at people, for whatever reason without proof.

Therefore i am locking this topic, because throwing dirt turns into throwing mud into throwing tar and finally into throwing rocks...Its a viscious circle where nobody wins

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Just an addition...Our remote admin is now working on all servers.. Thankyou for your help... NTF_Timbo

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)
