As some people might know, programming is one of my favourite past times! As such, I've been looking at various game engines recently; in my hunt I've found found two that interest me: OGRE and Id Tech 3. I'm interested in making an analysis of how much difficulty there is in putting them to work. Most daunting I reckon is the issue of models, textures, and physics.
i've been looking for good examples of the Id Tech 3 engine in use, which was the engine for Quake III, Medal of Honour: Allied Assault, and the first round of Call of Duty. In my hunt for a more modern and freely readable game: I have discovered a game called OpenArena, an open source game that is essentially a free re-implementation of Quake III Arena - built with an overhauled Id Tech 3 engine, called ioquake3. Another game based on the same engine is Urban Terror, as tacticalless as Quake III but with present day weapons. I haven't seriously played Quake and Unreal style games in nearly a decade but.....
In playing a quick test run of OpenArena vs some bots, I've found the extreme dynamic pace strangely satisfying! Spidey01 and a run and gun shooter, is such a thing possible!?
This is oh so very tempting!!!
have you had the chance at looking at the Full spectrum warrior: Ten hammers game engine its a basic coop type game.
i believe its a good game engine but not as good as qauke3 or call of duty.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
I own a copy of the FSW:TH but the engine is a proprietary product owned by the U.S. Army
I'm glad someone knew what you were talking about Spidey
If Spidey was born during WW2 he would definitely be hired as a US Army Windtalker lol.
and im actually curious how many ppl will understand that reference
Semper Fidelis
All I got was I'm blah blah blah...making a Game, blah blah blah, trying different engines...blah blah blah....It's All Good...
you missed playing a lot of OpenArena
I was a Windpasser in the army. I spent my nights alone in my foxhole.
I understood you Spidey. You were speaking perfectly good English.
I guess he knows what he's talking about...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
differences between programmers, techs and players
Semper Fidelis
Haha Valroe... at least I knew what you meant
i dont doubt that valroe knows more than us about WW 1 & 2 history
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
In talking with Ninja, he dug up this video of Urban Terror gameplay:
Bah, now I feel like getting back into quake shape >_>
There is also a browser-based Quake III, you don't need anything on your computer but flash plugin to play it.
AFAIK Half-Life's (the old one) engine is based on the Quake III Engine, but incorporates challenging AI enemies and complex scripted events (like a train derailing and penetrating a wall). Too bad I don't have an uncut version to play right now.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I've been contemplating Quake Live, but sadly, it does not support any of my OS/Browser pairs