Most likely following standard action gamer SOP -> top of after every wave.
In most action games the odds of running out of ammo on the next wave of baddies is much higher then killing them, reloading, and then getting shot. Especially when reload speed is done in that super fast method meant to simulate reloading in a firefight. It's kind of been that way since things went from total ammo counter to magazine/total ammo counters.
OMG that looks very nice!!!
Looking so much forward to this game
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Have to Admit..Very Tempting....
Me too
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Their teamwork sucks, lol.
Yes they definitely don`t follow the "Infil and neutralize a 30+ bad guy hideout in the mountains" SOP.
Looks like good graphics, tech a fusion of Aliens / Halo / GRAW.
And I wouldn't trust the player in that video with a potato gun! That little stint at the corner wall when they flee especially proves it...
and also notice that the enemies can't hit the broad side of a barn
looks killer...needs a coop mode
Looks great!
But with my steampowered pc. I never will play it.
Why the he** did he reload after every shot??
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Most likely following standard action gamer SOP -> top of after every wave.
In most action games the odds of running out of ammo on the next wave of baddies is much higher then killing them, reloading, and then getting shot. Especially when reload speed is done in that super fast method meant to simulate reloading in a firefight. It's kind of been that way since things went from total ammo counter to magazine/total ammo counters.