Greetings [SAS] Brethren, Friends and Visitors,
I be in the mood for some GR a killi'n (as my friend EZ would say).
I will be online Friday January 16, 2009 approximately 1900 hours (GMT-5) to play, preferably some Ghost Recon.
I am interested in giving a SAS GR mod a try. Its called Bravo 2-5 and its a full conversion mod for GR using SAS weapons and it has 14 new maps to try. It takes place during the Gulf War in Kuwait. Sounds very interesting.
Here is the link to the mod for those of you interested
As usual all are welcome, with preference for spots being given [SAS] Members and Recruits.
Edit - As is often the case, we get alot of players, but not all players have the expansion packs and or mods. We always drop the gameplay to the lowest common denominator to maximize the players that can participate. In short - If Ghost Recon, with no mods or no expansions is the best we can do, then we will play just Ghost Recon, what ever gets most of us playing.
Edit # 2 - I wouldnt even mind trying some GR-Adver if everyone agrees !
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
it appears I can not locate my DS or IT expansion disc's...hmmm
Still looking.
Very good mod, and very difficult. Ill try to be there.
Played the SAS mod some more and im really impressed. Extremely original maps with both chopper infil and exfil + hords of tangos assaulting your defense positions.
Very well made, strongly recommended.
I'd love to play some coop GR. Never have, the servers all had sequels installed and I only have the first GR and wasn't buying two more games just to see if I liked playing online. Some online games have real jerks in them and are not fun. I have played a few missions alone offline. I'll reinstall it when I get back and buy the sequels if it takes off as a regular event. I think this is a GREAT idea.
If you can find the GR expansion packs called Desert Shield and Island Thunder... it is definately worth it. There is a group of us here at SAS that play GR on a regular basis.
You think elemental work is fun in RVS... just wait until you join the squad in GR.. nothing quite as fun as a combined AT, SMG and Sniper attack on a convoy.
If you cant find the expansion packs right away... like I said, don't sweat it, we always play with the setup that gets the most of us playing.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Downloaded and I bought the other ones
Who is up for a Ghost Recon session tomorrow ( Sunday Feb. 22nd )
I'm thinking about 1800 gmt.
I still havent got what I ordered. The guy who runs the site sendt an email appologizing, and I got some money refounded.
So I just have to wait and see what happends
Did I hear GR tonight?
yes you heard right... there is no special time set butI think you can expect some activity arround 1500-1600 gmt.
I'm actually rdy to go right now..just waiting for En4cer
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Roger That MB, you will not be disappointed...
Dare I wish this will be our next official game?
The tactical games with En4cer thats the tactical coop gameplay to a new level....
In other words.... it ROCKS!!!
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Complete Pack
Ghost Recon
Quick Look Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Quick Look Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
Quick Look Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Island Thunder
Quick Look Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Desert Siege
Individual games of GR series as low as $4.95
Its a download site so no waiting.
WELL....missing my RvS disk 1 but do have my GHOST RECON. Locking and loading it tonight.
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
congrats . now get it up and running and join the fun. run a Sesicated Server for GR is VERY Costly. Most gaming Server Companies don't even offer GR Servers due to the Dedicated Tools. run your own Server is really Not That Hard, if you have your Router or Modem configured properly.
I have already purchased a Complete GR Dedicated Server program, custom written, with the ability to control the server via an internet explorer program.
We can do anything, map changes, view players, kick players (not sure about ban) and it monitors the program, so if the map crashes, it restarts the map, if the game crashes it restarts the game.
Only one catch, the author incrypted the program with an alphanumeric key that finger prints the computer you install it to. I purchased one key that is already used on my machine at home... but I talked to the author and he has agreed to give us one additional key at no cost.
Once we get our server issues resolved and it appears we may have a machine in a perm location, then I will invest the $$ to get GR uploaded or downloaded to that server machine.. and then I can install the Dedicated server...
Until such time... we will have to make due with our Brethren hosting the games on an indivdual basis.
P.S. - My other plan, if able, is to upgrade my kids computer and then use the old one to provide a dedicated GR machine. I will keep that one on the back burner for now.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
I also got it. Im DLing the 25mod.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
This may be a very silly Q, but I cannot figure out how to join a MP game.
In RvS, game servers pop up like mushrooms, unlike GR, where no servers show up when the server list is refreshed.
Is it something about the settings?
The SAS mod is cool, btw. I will patch to 1.4 shortly, still on 1.3.
We have locked you out... hehe
Good news Captain, but for your question I'm still a newb at that game so I dont know it either.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
HAHA I was thinking the same thing last night when I got it all up and running. Apparently, you must either join at, or simply turn on your xfire and join a server from there. Those are the two ways I know you can join a MP game. There are so many versions of it though, finding the right one is the real pain.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
When I'm with some others in the Alternate Games section on TS you can be sure I'M playing ghost recon. Just join the channel and ask for the IP (joining by IP is the easiest way)
Roger that. Thanks, lads.
I just do what I normally do when somethings has to do with computers.
I pout my lips, sob a little and ask the others for help
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Im just curious as to when the next session will be?
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
If all goes good with my plans... tomorrow afternoon... about 12:30 (GMT-5) my time.
We will agree upon mods and expansion packs once we know who is playing and what we have to work with... lowest common denominator thing.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
that's 0730 where I am xD
maybe I'll fall out of the bed....
I should be able to attend. Thats usually my lunch break but I can get in a good hour at least. Count me in.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!