That 1.4 patch will patch from previous versions up to 1.4
The only catch is that several of those mods that you DL'd require the expansion packs to run properly.
I suggest you go back and read over the requirements of those mods... and see which ones you can truely use... otherwise your GR will keep crashing each time you try to load it.
Thanks for the link to 1.4. I did realize as I installed mods that they would not run without the expansion packs. And I just blew $70 on ink and a cell phone for job hunting.
However, soon as I can manage it. Hope to be on RvS Sunday
Last night En4cer, Valroe and I had some GGs on the fairly new SAS GR server we have. It runs great on my end. I had no issues with lag. This weekend could be a great time for everyone to hop on for some Infantry Squad Tactics. Anyone Interested?
well, memory and processor capasety is no problem. I deleted the latest mods, but still GR would not start up.
I have reisntalled most of it, and it seems to work
So is it resolved?
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Ive got all the mods DL for GR but can't find a patch for 1.2 to 1.4 and dont have the add on modules. Does anyone know where that patch is?
look here:
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Hey Cougar,
That 1.4 patch will patch from previous versions up to 1.4
The only catch is that several of those mods that you DL'd require the expansion packs to run properly.
I suggest you go back and read over the requirements of those mods... and see which ones you can truely use... otherwise your GR will keep crashing each time you try to load it.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
GR, DS and IT (Gold Edition) purchased from for almost nothing, Frostbite, B25, CENTCOM, 9MS and the sniper mod installed.
Everything runs smoothly after the expansion packs were installed.
I had a closer look at one of the "useless Norwegian soldiers" in Frostbite -- and guess what -- it was Valroe.
good job. You are missing Sabre Teams though.
Thanks for the link to 1.4. I did realize as I installed mods that they would not run without the expansion packs.
And I just blew $70 on ink and a cell phone for job hunting. 
However, soon as I can manage it. Hope to be on RvS Sunday
Last night En4cer, Valroe and I had some GGs on the fairly new SAS GR server we have. It runs great on my end. I had no issues with lag. This weekend could be a great time for everyone to hop on for some Infantry Squad Tactics. Anyone Interested?
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
If my rig is up and running, and I can find the CD's... I'm there
Sounds nice, and woud like to be there, but Real life army want my ass for ISAF training just a bit more
Very good idea Scout,
try to be there.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)