I am at my parents this weekend. I do hunt for elk (moose) but this season I havent got the time. But dad got a big one, so today I decided to cook a gourmet meal for them.
We found a sirloin on aprox 1 kilo. Normaly you slice it into steakes. But this I fryed in one peece for about 10 mins. The i let it rest for 10-15 mins under aluminum foile.
After frying it the pan was full of taste from the frying. I put in some onions, garlic and some different types of mushrooms aong with salt, pepper and cream. Let that cook for some 10 mins.
Served it with potatoes and vegetables.
A good redwine is needed. I did the mistake of choosing Marques des Monistrol who was too weak. I recomend a strong one from Chile or a tempranillo wine.
For dessert my mother made a creme brulet with Conintreu (one tablespoon for 4 persons)
If you dont have a sirloin from elk, you can use cattle or deer.
Try this... I do recomend it.
Hi Medic,
sounds good to me. I forgot to tell in my introduction, that i like to cook too.
We didn't got an elk in sweden. The vegetation was so thick und we were unable to response if there is an elk cow without any calf or at least with two.
That are the rules there.
Anyhow, it was an interesting an funny week.
Greating from GER
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Hehe, somehow I knew you would answer Hunter. Well I would never hunt in a terrain with rough vegetation, hehe
Elk meat is good if the elk has eaten in wild terrain and not the same terrain as cows hehe
YUM YUM< I am hungry now, I haven't got any elk but the deer around here are everywhere and they are a bit on the tasty side also, I use to take the eye of round and make deer jerky with it, (pass a towel plz) I like the wild game just about anyway you can cook it as long as it is Tender and mouth waterin, welp except for road kill and it is already been tenderized,LOL
Hi Medic,
do you think a danse forrest with sump is a good area for cows
It was nice and quiet there. We got a badger and a fox, both i don't want to eat.
Next time we will get an elk, meanwhile i will hunt roe deer and boar. Both tast good.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Sounds very tasty, Medic.
Anyone who wants to post his favourite menue...
...feel free to write it down here: --> http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7225&highlight=steak
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
SAS_Europe_very_hungry_lads are deploing at the ferry to Bergen as we speak now, so get those meals on the table buddy, we are HUNGRY.
(And put a beer on the table for Ghost)
Would be fine, if the admins could arrange a forum where we culd taste those things ...
Did I mention, that I like to cook too?? I prefer mediteranian kitchen with meat, fish and vegetables. Until now every guest survived my cooking
and said, it was delicious (I hope they didnt just tell to get the permission to leave the house :roll:)
Sounds like a nice meal Medic.
Would the steak be good with a nice crisp white wine instead ?
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
You are sick hehe. White wine are for girls and if you eat schrimps
Naaa lads like Noer said Beer
Medic, you are a man after my own heart. I wonder how elk would taste on my grill... hmmm maybe you can send me a bit to try. While I grill beef, pork, and chicken I have never grilled elk. You can inquire of Ez how my grilling powers are. I also make a delicious Mexican fajitas meal.
Anything with cooking venison I leave to Ez cause he has deer cooking down pat... the meat just melts as you chew it leaving a delightful feeling through out your taste buds. As far as the wine goes I prefer a drink with a little more kick.. Crown Royal, Jack Daniels (10 yr old black label) or maybe a little sip from the "jug". But enough of talking about cooking, lets commence to the eating......... :idea:
I hope to try some of that here purty soon, tryin to my youngest to go up here to LBL and peg one of them Over size deer.
That made me so hungry
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