Hi i just want to know if you are still recruiting and if you will ever play on Call of duty 4?
After playing the single player for COD4 I have become fasinated by the SAS which made me want to join a regiment based clan in the MP. I havent been able to find such a clan so far so if you ever move to COD4 i would love to try and pass your selection process there.
Recruiting -> Always
Adopting CoD4 -> I doubt it lol.
It is for GCHQ to say if we ever do but from most of the things I've heard about the game I doubt it'll make it past them -- including the lack (afaik) of realistic coop mode.
Spidey-->There is no co-op
Thats my point ^_^
haha I understood the lack of realistic co-op
Well there is coop but it more like
UNLOAD 400 bullets through a wall..............
Get picked off by a Sniper
And Back to Stage One
Hee its fun though gotta love COD4
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
CoD4 is a nice game, but there isnt any real coop in there. Its the same as playing BF1942 -> BF2.
Yeah you can "run and gun" as a group of players and cover flanks maybe, but it has nothing to do with realistic games.
(of course I wouldnt ever say that I really know what it is realistic, cause luckily I was never in a gun-battle in my whole life.)
If such games would become our "main games" here, I think the bad santa would retire.
Come on guys your spose to be elite, organised and tactical if you want to simulate the reg. Its beyond me why people say they cant play tactical in COD4. that style of play you say is missing it what i do every day there and lack of realism? you havent played on hard core mode have you?
Hard core mode is an imbuilt realism mod that takes away the cross hairs and makes it so a couple of hits kills you. So to compare it to BF2 is crazzy because thats what we played before COD4 and it took a lot longer to kill people on BF2 and there was no inbuilt realism mod.
If you are what you say you are you would do perfect on COD4 with the right level of practice. I gurentee if you gave it a shot I could show you the light your not seeing. But i see you meantioned COOP which i know to be players v bots which they dont have but i cant see how bots are more real than other humans.
SAS regiment turns down COD4 because they cant strategise in it? thats not a good head line. come on.... black gear, customisable mp5's this should be like a cookie jar for you guys.
There are a thousand answers to what your just saying and its not possible for this style of game as you said there is no CO - OP
Even if you are playing coop the other team does not act like terrorists they act like mass murderers sniping and throwing grenades and running in all directions!
COD4 is amazingly good but not the style of game SAS play mate as they have said before its all about CQB and tactical operations and in fact i enjoy being able to play COD4 on the Xbox 360 when i come home from work then once im chilled out settle down for a bit of Tactical SWAT.
Will never work so give up trying
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Great idea!!!
Lets adopt a game on the premise that we can wear black gear!! something that we have failed to spot in our 7 succesfull years as a Co-Op gaming clan.
Cheers Violator, you are the answer to all our problems
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Anytime WIZ, it was worth a shot.... Displaying that who dares dont always win
And that you don't have a clue at what a tactical clan is looking for.
hahaha the new guy doens't get the sarcasm XD
hmmm...I can customize a mp5..well THEN its a must to play this game....
yeah, I dont like that there is another guy behind the soldier I shot in the game...it causes nightmares on my side..
Well you can put a red dot sight, Acog scope silencer on it but thats all.
But you can customize the guns camoflauge too
The Barrett 50. is still my favorite
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
realistic coop AI? pfff
Poor mans realism mod, still no effect worth while just look at Americas Army. The most realistic and most unrealistic game I've ever played at the same time.
Good example of AAO Realism:
A few bullets kill you dead and if they don't you might just bleed to death (unless you know how the game engine works) or get a medic*.
People side step back and forth across bullets without ever getting hit, try that in real life and you will be leaking six ways from sunday should yout ake a drink ^_^
*For a long time medics in that game have used 'med kits' on people to stop bleeding despite the fact GI's are thought use the casualties kit, not yours unless it calls for a real medic to tend to with more effective gear then the kit each GI carries - nice to see they have been changing this in AAO lol.
'Realism' modes do not make people play realistically.
The difference between AI and Humans ?
Humans in the sense of 'public players' don't play like the enemy would, the AI at least is closer.
Another set of examples:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see the Defense team waging a blitz krieg against the Offense team -- who decided to start camping in retaliation !
How often do you see servers full of people where there is almost no team work during CTF games ?
Most times I see the usual scenario I find in any TDM style game. 20 lone wolfs who are on the same team in the sense that they might not kill you on sight.
*When ever I play Halo CE online it usually ends with me getting pwned or spending the entire round cursing my team out for camping or wolfing when they should strike as a team to take advantage of the situation. While I'm making like a bat out of heck with the other teams flag ^_^
The Hotel Carliel mission.
The enemy has hostages taken in the hotel room, if you get detected they start to execute the hostages. To top it off you have sentries placed at random who will either hide and lay in wait or actively patrol the area for you. -> Can you sneak past and reach the hostages or gun your way through without a hostage being killed in reprisal ? To top it off you have civilians stuck in the cross fire that can get you compromised but wait, some of they might be in on the raid and pull an Uzi on you !!
SWAT3 was really the best Tactical FPS game ever made - the level of randomizness and the feel it gave with the way the AI codes strengths were put to use.
Meat Packing Plant 2 Mission
You've got to stop 3 bombs from being detonated and many sentries are itching to put a hole in you. To top it off, setting off alarms can cause runners between bomb points -> You might take bomb #1 but a runner might trigger bomb #3 and it's a happy VX Gas Party.
These examples from SWAT3 and Raven Shield are much more realistic settings for us then would likely to be found in CoD4.
If CoD4's community is any thing like the peopole from MOHAA, CoD, CoDUO, AAO, Halo, Delta Force and most other games that have objective based game types -- playing CoD4 would be worse then playing online and twice as boring (for me at least lol).
You know, I once found a CoD server that disabled the cross hairs and 'removed' people that didn't crouch walk every where and use standard rifles most of the time.because they were really that sick of the run & gun tommy gunners vs the sturmgewehr packers that infested so many servers, playing like a round of DOOM Free For All in a TDM or Obj based game type.
i was gunna leave this but its been playing on my mind how repressed you are as gamers having such confinded preferences. You are all of the opinion that the current state of AI in games is more realistic than humans? I asure you we are not there yet in terms of technology. AI have SET boundaries that restrict them from free will and limit they behaviour to very predictable proportions.
Human players as mad as they can be are unpredictable which is how it is in real life and thats a fact. Someone meantioned that human players would never react the way terrorist would. How do you know that? Thats pretty diluded if you ask me. Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes and many of them are fueled with adrenaline from narcotics which make them do the most stupid things in combat that you wouldnt expect. The rebles in the Mog for example spend most of their evening chewing on Cott which makes them feel invincible and react far careless than any MP player.
So im no longer going to sell you the idea of comming to COD4 as i can see you have your references but you are not right saying AI in games today matches all terrorist behaviour.
CoD4 was primarily designed to fit a realistic backdrop and fill a void that gamers have not had since the days of Ghost Recon..
A Matching Format-Team versus Team DeathMatch!
With no intent on filling a Co-Op profile, the different missions are simple different maps with different obstacles to heighten the DeathMatch Areana!
IRL... people don't rush. That's it violator. Would you stop whining about how confined we are? This confinement is the very reason we have this website: to play the games within these confines.
It's really impolite, contradictory and useless to come in here, claim that you "will show us the light". You have not been part of this community before. You don't know us. And you're telling us we should play other games then the ones we came here for in the first place?
Congratulations, you're clueless. About us. About your respect rating with us. About the games we play. About how we play. And most of all: about the freedom to make an organisation for whatever the hell we like.
Agree with Rasa im sure SAS have seen played and looked into COD4 if there was a way for it to be done im sure it would have been!
And it was me you where referring to when i said about humans not being the same as terrorists! in answer to that........
Your summing up a 14 year old with his mates who wants to manicly kill as many people as they can with no aim mission or tactics to..
A group of highly trained skilled and vicious mercenaries in a bank holding civilians at gun point on the edge willing to die for the cause and will not give up until everyone is dead!
Slight difference im afraid mate! Thats why AI is so different to a Human AI is always the same uses the same tactics and prepares and estimates every movement and happening at a scene but humans are HUMAN they are care free they make mistakes and never has a consistancy!
COD4 love it buy once again NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Fair post and i wont lie i get in from work wanna chill out and kill loads of people and sit in the corner sniping them off playing COD4 to make me feel better
Once ive had my dinner and settle down bring the sas clan forum up and load up xfire feel like a bit of coordinated game play and you just cant beat Swat 4 with a load of SAS on the server!
Will COD4 ever be playable with SAS i cant see it happening its a different kind of gameplay it has to stay 1 player for me!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Can you expand on that at all? I understand that it has different gameplay to SWAT4, but what aspect of the COD4 gameplay do you feel makes it impossible to use in SAS clan.
Also given my example above, i.e. using it to preceed a SWAT4 mission, aspect of gameplay do you think makes this unplayable?
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
I suppose our views are gonne be slightly different because i play COD4 on the xbox in hd im sure that COD4 servers on the PC are a lot different as Xbox its pretty much jump into a game with your mates and its team deathmatch and all against all there are no AI terrorists its players vs players and not CQB!
But dont get me wrong if it was a possible id be down the shop and be buying me a PCI Express with more Memory than Pc World could handle!!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Yeah well as i said we both got different views and that was the whole point about the post earlier on thats why it stopped lol because some people agree it should be played others dont!
I love COD4 and wouldnt mind if it came into SAS but most people dont wanna buy an xbox as they blow up! End Of
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Almost any game can be played tactically, people permitting. A number of times a few of us have formed a squad in public BF2 servers and gone 'raiding' behind enemy lines to reek havoc on the OP4 rather then getting involved in the typical pwnage fests waging around us.
The [SAS] actually surviving if CoD4 replaced RvS and S4 as the officially sanctioned games or something along those lines on the other hand; I can't fathom the concept of it (this thread beginning included a inquery about our adoption of it as such iirc).
I guess you'll just have to excuse my paranoia Sir
Who is SAS_Smart ? Couldnt find him in the "Mighty" section ?!?
lol...read his signature
Pitman...About Us (left side link), *about
SAS-Smart is Our Founding Father .....
on CoD4, the only restrictions I see to implementing this game is the amount of Money$$$ in UpGrades to a PC that runs RvS...
Physics Graphic Cards, 2+ Gigs Ram (min.), 2.5 Gig Dual Core Processor(min.)....
Game Recommends NVidea 8500 Series Video Card...
And then lets talk Server....hehe :cry: