ever been drunk?

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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
ever been drunk?

i never been drunk and i will do my best never get drunk,lotsa friends say it makes you look cool,i say,drunk people look dumb,aggresive and stupid and whats the fun gettin up with a headache in the mornin?

but i do drink offcourse

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Being totally drunk three times already ... luckily I need enourmous amount of alcohol to reach this state ... however I am able to "controle" my actions when being drunk quite well ... it's not like I start dancing on the table ... I am able to decide what I want to do and what not however the brain gets slower I can't concentrate that much ... and movements are getting dull and imprecise.

And no lizzy ... it's not the alcohol that makes be act so 'happy' when drinking but the fact that I want to act his way Blum 3

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago

And no lizzy ... it's not the alcohol that makes be act so 'happy' when drinking but the fact that I want to act his way Blum 3


"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago


Don't really plan on getting drunk ether, although I don't really drink. I have a strange temptation to try a 2:1 Vodka:Rum mixture :/

Only reason I could think why I'd even want to get drunk would be to deal with (non physical) pain, and I all ready know better then to use liqueur for that ^_^

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago

Lol I've been drunk numerous times. Especially new year's eve, that's an occasion I am always drunk. And hey it isn't that bad, at least you think you are capable of more things than you actually are haha Cheers

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

Never been drunk, but in SoCal, it's a regular thing at parties. At least to get buzzed or faded at parties.

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

I have never been drunk. I don't drink, smoke, look at girls, party.



Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

Obviously yes, this is Belgium rembemer: the country with the most drunk teenagers running around (and crashing cars into trees).

At least when I'm drunk I realise it and stfu before I say stupid things.

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

i've never been drunk and i don't wanna try. A friend of mine dances without his t-shirt on a table in a club when he was drunk. I have a video of this, very very funny lol, but i am not allowed to show. Sad
i can just say it's very stupid to think it's very great to be so drunk that you don't know where are you and can't stand or do other things. All my school friends drink much of alcohol and i don't want to be a part of them. From time to time i drink a little beer, but not more.

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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago

Lol I've been drunk numerous times. Especially new year's eve, that's an occasion I am always drunk. And hey it isn't that bad, at least you think you are capable of more things than you actually are haha Cheers

like thinkin you can join the Belgian para's? Blum 3


Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

I have never been drunk. I don't drink, smoke, look at girls, party.

Yeah, right. I've got some nice pictures that confirm your saying medic. But don’t worry, they are safe with me, I think…..hehehehe

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

You think wrongly, post!

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago

Well Dragoon if you haven't been drunk yourself yet how can you say you think it's stupid to say it feels ok? Can't really speak of something you haven't experienced yet eh?

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

yeah ok this is right. Stupid words i know, but not to bad. i'd only i THINK it's stupid, cause i have seen what alcohol can do with you if you are drunk.

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SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago

I can only recall 3 times in my life I was drunk...

My teen-age years Twisted
When I was in my twenties Dirol
Most recently, my thirties Lol

The other times, I have no memory of. 8O


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago

Ok im gonna sound like a Alcoholic but hey im not.......Ive been drunk many many times

Binge Drinking
Casual Drinking you name it ive drank it ! ! except MoonShine (maybe some the US members can hook me up).

Ale and Shots are my tipple ............and i drink for fun only when im out with the lads on the company P*** up !



Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago

ever drunk any belgian beer? dont do cause youll kill yourself because they don't have it there with you Blum 3

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago

I drink heavily on some occasions, but rarely do I drink and get a hang over. I don't like the feeling so I stop myself before I have too much. Never have I been drunk enough to say I don't remember anything. That actually frightens me. I like to wake up next morning and remember the fun we had. Really I only drink probably once or twice a year. New years is usually one of them. Of course I do have maybe one or two drinks at other times.


Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago

Meh, I was drunk at the end of June, about 2 months ago. We have had a big party.

It feels quite ok at first, girls looks way sexier than before hehe

After 2 hours of sleep(from 7am to 9 am) when you wake up...you're hesitating between the urge to vomit or the urge to crack your head open Wink

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago

hope the law bout alcohol in the states isn't the same in canada or your in big troubles Blum 3

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago

I don't drink, as I don't see the need, I would say at least a good quarter of my school get drunk reguarly at the weekends and lets just say that the town that I live very close to has the 3rd highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe. People always talk about its so fun getting drunk and in some cases all it shows is that you can't have fun without it. Kinda sad really.
I am underage, I just don't want to get tempted and taken down a road that I won't like. I don't mind that others drink its there personal choice but at least I will have a say wheter my mates drive home and as Rasa said drive into a tree!
P.S. There is lots of calories in alcohol Biggrin


Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

It feels quite ok at first, girls looks way sexier than before hehe

hehe maybe lol, but if you woke up the next morning in a hotel a girl lying next to you, you don't know how to get there and wonder what the girl looks like or you wonder about the age in the driver licencse lying on the table, so you did something wrong. lol. Lol

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Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago

Jonsi you should know beer doesn't get you fat, it's the chips and nuts you'd eat with it that get you fat. I drink like 1 liter of beer / day when I don't have to be at work/military service. I workout and I have just 4 % of body fat. So yea drinking can get you fat and in trouble IF you don't know anything bout how to handle it. And the Calories only get you fat if you don't burn em up Blum 3 .

Calories in beer

and in a regular candy

And I guess it depends it's also your culture that has a say in it, I come from Poland and a party without Vodka is for us like a dynamic clearing without guns and bangs if you know what I'm saying. SO for some it's just like a normal thing when someone proposes a drink and if you are experienced enough you know the tricks to avoid a heavy hangover anyway haha. And it's not every time you drink that you get drunk anyway.

But it is indeed sad if you really NEED it to have fun or if you crawl behind the wheel of your car all wasted.

Btw I am NOT promoting drinking here in any way :p. It's bad for the liver and it's a sin to your body and you should pay for it with physical workout the day after (your hangover) Blum 3

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago

Yes, I've been drunk several times, but I rarely get so drunk that I get a memory gap.
One time when I was 16, a friend and I went to his older cousin's party, (which was a really bad idea Lol , and what we were offered was pure vodka/Koskenkorva and shot-glasses. We couldn't say no of course, because of the pressure. I became so drunk that I got a huge memory gap, and a 2-day hangover afterwards. I've never been so drunk ever since.

Tip: If you are conscious enough, drink (literaly) 1 litre of water before you go to bed. Alcohol dehydrates your body, so you'll probably need all of it.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

A alcoholic drink is good for you in moderation, if you wake up with a hangover every day or two. you're probably not going to live very long depending on the liver :/

I'm glad you mentioned the water Leon, it's a great idea Smile

Last seen: 3 months 1 day ago

i am a qualified expert on this topic.

As Leon says..drink water.

Let me explain in greater detail....

To avoid the symptoms of Alchohol, drink Milk before you drink alchohol, this puts a lining on the stomach wall. During, eat something with bread, this absorbs the alchohol. And afterwards, as Leon said, drink approx 1 litre of normal water. This is because Alchohol dehydrates the body, and a hangover consists of a headache, this is due to a lack of water in the brain, this causes the brain to exert 'pain' to tell you that something is wrong.

On a heavy night out, i drink milk, this prevents the sickness, i also have a large burger in the middle (bread) and then i drink the water, i wake up fine.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Hey, screw the beer wheres the burger!?


Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago

Excellent tips WIZ and Leon, I'll be sure to use them ASAP! Wink

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago

but what if your allergic to bread/milk AHAH Blum 3 LOL

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago

Apparently, I say exactly what is on my mind or exactly how I feel at the exact time that thought passes through my brain. I'm generally like that in real life except I have a brain-filter that removes most of the offensive, hurtful or sarcastic stuff.

Example: Someone bumps into you rather hard at the bar.
On one beer: Hey, mate. Sorry. You alright? Have a beer.
On twelve beers: WTF, dumb@*#! Why are annoying little whale-turds like you always biting at my ankles??!!

People say that when you're drunk you do things you shouldn't do. I say that's not exactly correct. I believe you do things you've always wanted to do.

How we behave when we are drunk tells us more about our inner-selves than being sober ever will.

That being said, it's not the best thing for most people to be their inner-selves. Our inner-selves are just how we would behave if there were no societal behavioral conditioning acting to suppress our evolutionary instincts. It's not a flaw, it's genetics and Darwinism.

If there were no laws on the books and people behaved how they wanted to behave, there would be advancements only in weapons technology.

I find it hard to believe there would be anything called an IPOD in that world.

There would be no "environmentalists", "activists" or many other types of "-ists" out there. You would have to truly defend your ideas and most people don't have the inner strength to asert themselves. Without the protection of laws, most people would simply stop speaking up for fear of someone else crushing them. While we could do quite nicely without many of these groups, and much of the time you just wanna smack 'em, I think we all agree that having rules and boundaries to provide us with liberties and freedom is necessary.

But some people take for granted those freedoms like it's their birth right. Nothing in life is granted from birth. Any country that is free had to either fight to take or keep it or have someone else fight for them to get it back.

To those people, you should be thankful for those early liberators and the ones we have serving their countries today. As much as people like to point fingers at the military and government--trying being without them and see how long you get to continue to speak your mind!

Deep thoughts today, eh?


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment


