If you have not seen the videos they are below
My opinions of the videos is that I am amazed. It looks and seems to play like SWAT 4 but is loads better. Information I gather from the videos is that in singleplayer your teammates have their own individual voices. In one vid you can hear Eddie Price talk with his british accent. It looks very similar to SWAT 4 when stacking on doors as your team mates get into position. One of the things i notice is you can actually run and shoot rather than SWAT 4. It looks incredible and I cannot wait!!
i wish i held your view, but i see a few things that bother me, like in the first video at the very end it appeared the person jumped even though it wassaid that players couldnt. in the third i noticed the throwing of the grenade was kind of arcadey adn not sure if it was really accurate to r/l. I would still liek a demo just so i know for sure without really guessing adn i hold that wasnt NVG as it was mostly white and not green. all videos and screen shots involve the user having a G36c which I personally dont like and hope that the selection is better along withe the G36K if it doesnt I will be extremely disappointed.
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Looks like an extremely good game, but it will still be crippled if it only has 4 player Co-op. Give it 8 play Co-op and I bet we would have a perfect game.
It looks good. I like that your hearing is impaired if you are too close to an explosion.
I like how the environment is more interactive.
I like the breathing effect when running. I really like the open sight pictures and that you can see the world very well around your zoomed reticle.
There are many other things that I like.
It seemed to me that the tangos could absorb alot of abuse though. I'd have to play the demo to see for sure. Maybe the person was just a crappy shot.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Very awesome screens.. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/tomclancysrainbowsix4/screenindex.html?sid=6141336
I think the opinion of the xbox version is that it had shifted more arcadey, especially with the incorporation of some pseudo RPG qualities (attatchment to certain personas, etc.etc.)
However, the demo is when I can actually make an informed decision, so I will wait for that.
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it." - Erwin Rommel.
I do hope they improve the kevlar flak jackets & helmets. In RvS, the BA is protecting no better than my white shirt.
Multiplayer with only four players -- that must be just an evil rumour? They can't mean that seriously?
Some of the new weapons look interesting.
Beretta M9
Glock 19 Compact
MEU(SOC) .45 (modified Colt M1911A1)
M249SPW (FN Minimi SPW)
SA58 (Based on FN FAL, Assault rifle)
Very very shortly there will be a MP demo out, and yes RSE have confirmed 16-man Adversarial 4- man Co-op
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I'm sure that can and will be modded.
I'm still holding my opinion until I see some demo.
Hmmm dam, dont like that 4 player co-op
"RSE have confirmed 16-man Adversarial 4- man Co-op"
What are they thinking?!! 4 man coop is ridiculous.
EDIT: Maybe they mean maximum 4 players per Alpha, Bravo or Charlie-team.
if thast what they meant then thast a secret, all they have said was 4 men to a coop server
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Important details I found
Still, we should note that the PC version of Lockdown isn't quite Rainbow Six as you may know it. First, the trademark mission planning that the series is known for is gone. Now, after you outfit your team from the extensive array of weapons and equipment options (at least that remains untouched), you launch directly into the mission. You no longer have the ability to plan out your team's attack, and while most players generally skipped this phase, it was one of the things that made Rainbow Six different from virtually every other shooter on the market. Also, the multiple-squad format of previous Rainbow Six games is gone. Instead of leading several teams into combat and being able to jump between them, you'll lead a single team of four elite operatives who follow you around and follow your orders.
There's no mistaking this is a PC game and not a port, especially after you see the fancy graphical effects, such as heat blur and dreamy water reflections, as well as the high quality of the graphics in general. Some textures are incredibly sharp, and there are lots of little things in the environment to knock over, thanks to the game's physics engine. We immediately got caught in a firefight with several terrorists in a parking lot, and it was a lot of fun to shoot out car windows and watch the rag-doll physics in effect.
While the levels are big, they're not quite as large or as wide open as those found in earlier Rainbow Six games on the PC. There's much more of a linear feeling to the levels in Lockdown, whereas previous games had such huge levels that you could often get lost exploring them. That brings up one of the more interesting aspects of Lockdown: Each mission can take place on multiple maps. Instead of having the mission take place on one huge level, several levels are pieced together to create a mission.
We should also note that Lockdown isn't a "one shot, one kill" game like previous Rainbow Six games, either. In early Rainbow Six games, you have the barest margin for error, since a single shot can put a commando out of commission. However, Lockdown is a lot more forgiving, since each commando has a health bar consisting of three bars. If you're wounded, you take damage. If you take enough damage, you lose a health bar. If you lose all three health bars, the commando is dead. And since you can't switch between commandos, if your main character dies, you've got to reload the mission
20-21 jan MP demo is out
im saddened by the appearance of no flash lights again and that there might not be a single player demo as probably the mp will be like rvs demo and advers only.
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
one thing to remember Python is that we never use the in game planning or the ABC squads, because they are both single player only. We conduct our planning by holding the server clock.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
All along I have tried to be positive about the new game, until we got some hard info about it. Now that the info is coming in, this is how I feel.
For me, 4 player Co-op kills the game.
Do they seriously think people over the age of 12 will have lasting enjoyment from walking a 1-dimensional corridor of a map and watching things break or fall over?
What makes RvS so good including in Single Player is that you coordinate multiple teams for more complex entries. It sounds like that is completely gone in the new game, in Co-op as well as in SP.
In RvS they hit just the right balance, pleasing the Adver guys as well as guys like us. It sounds to me like the spirit of the new game is firmly away from good Co-op.
I'm having second thoughts about buying the game at all now.
All the graphics in the world don't matter if you can't do coordinated entries with multiple teams, and you can't play with more than three other people online.
Most of all, with only 4 player Co-op, [SAS] as we know it cannot survive. Apart from making the exciting rounds we are used to impossible, it will mean that we cannot meet new people, as 4 spots isn't enough room for members plus guests (not even enough for members actually).
The simple conclusion is that this game will not meet our needs, and we must find another.
If the 4 man co op for the internet can not be changed I wont buy this game.
I cant believe they are taking out the multiple squad thing. Single player will just be, well crap.
Linear maps will mean the wont be thinking to your tactics, it will just be, well shit. Might mean we have to rely more on community made maps, but these often suffer many glitchs.
Why, as new technology comes in, etc etc, are they decreasing our choice?
I have an odd feeling that when LD comes out and if I saw RS and LD on a store shelf i would be more interested in RS.
I mean are they leaving anything in which seperates Rainbow Six series from other games???
I have a bad feeling about this game. I hope that the demo fill me with some hope.
2 words:
The Regiment
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
But will the regiment live up to our requirements? In any case, the game isn't well known, and might die out 6 months after its release!
Ohhhh yes
You may not change character in singleplayer. Lockdown will focus on 1 squad only, but you get to play as D. Chavez & team sniper D. Weber.
Poor very poor, What was great about RVS and previous rainbow six was kitting out your squad out of all the operatives you have. From this quote you can only have the default six like in SWAT 4.
Guys as James says I dont think this game is for us
well hopefully in 3 weeks ill be able to tell you.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
from what ive gathered they say is a console port or something, bluntly they are saying it was based on the console with some kind of boost from RSE to make it better with no real helpful results, but good news is that the console verison will no longer be made to corrupt the future games
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
The one video shows the AI taking what looks like a form of MP5A3 as aposed to A2/A4 style something I've wanted since S3 MP5 Sliding stocks. At lest telling the team to work on a door they don't STAND IN FRONT OF THE FRIGGING DOOR. And yes that guy is a really bad shot in that one rush lol... but the player also gets shot like 2x enough to kill us in RvS. I think I like the grenades for "use in battle" reasosn, but for door stacking I don't think so, might make for a more Open / Bang at once possiblity but more bangs flashing our team and tangos kill'en us if someone miss times it. Not to mention more FRAG SPAM on Advers!!!
What worries me, is ether that guy really does not know his controls or there is NO LEANING WHILE MOVING i.e. SWAT3/RvS style Slicing the Pie. His way of pieing the corner at the end of vid2 was to just easy around it bit by bit hope back in they jet around, wth that'll get you dead in a heart beat compared with pie'ing it like S3/RvS and it's more like SWAT4 as is that dang command menu Read CGI Rip off with a mouse pointer hacked in. OR worse there is no Player leaning which would make it like Rainbow Six part1 in which no leaning, couching=no walking.
16 Players .VS mode and 4 COOP!!
And I'm thinking some one has been borrowing from SWAT4 and is gonna get sued when a G36C Guy walks around a corner, issues commands 95% the same way, team AI sucks but is better then older stuff, and players can get by without having to learn any kind of tactic besides SHOOT first ask questions later (All well and good for R6, exsecpt the hostages).
These videos make me glade I spent my $100 for S4:SS/R6 4:LD on a router, mouse and PC Cables. (Will have to wait on any games till June 20 lol..)
Lockdown from what I have seen is going to be geared a lot for towards Arcade Style Playing, blazing guns, and quick movements is all that wins. Hence the team of only four team members (this assumes the guys are super elite and have awsome skills, basically four Rambos in a team), four player coop and sixteen player head to head (Halo 2 in a disguise if you ask me), more health bars (for those of us who just run through levels like Rambo), and many maps combined into one mission (doesn't require patience, planning, or skill, just shoot, shoot, shoot). I dunno, I'd have to see a demo before I make a decision whether or not Lockdown is worth getting.
Yeh I know for a fact now gone is the plan your assualt, pick your members and siege style. Singleplayer now has a story and you play as Ding Chavez pretty much all the time with exceptions to the story. Pretty dissapointing really. Oh and another thing you dont siege maps either its more like to a few kills to get to an assualt etc and from this the game is devided using loading times. This obviously means linear maps for multiplayer as these maps are used from singleplayer. Geez im on the verge of dissapointment with this already.

Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
The review is by a CS player, so that destroys his credibility as far as I am concerned. Still, good pics, my favorite is the one with the pig's head
One thing I like about Lockdown is that you can see the front sight through the rear sight (unscoped weapon), just like in real life:
From the IGN article:
- Perhaps... realism?
- My hopes flare...
- Mixed feelings here. Headshots wtf!?, on the other hand they'll kill you too. What worries me here, for SP then, is that last remark