Rainbow Six Lockdown OH DEAR!!!

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Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

Yes, worries me about the reviewer though, not the game.

.. and I for one will not be using the option to save mid-mission. For me, a mission is completed or failed in one run.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I wonder in SWAT4 fashion if this girl'd actually shoot over bombmans head if a tango rushed through that door unlike SWAT4.
CB That Room!

Oh and heres a TK waiting to happen.
Please don't shoot me in that back ma'am

Well at lest someone used good movement
Follow your walls

Just a nice moment

I like how the try to use cover, but they never learn around it for less exsposure.
Personally I think it's gonna suck, but it's gonna be the lesser or the evils.
My opinion of the review is: Reviewed from typical concerns. I don't blame it though, they are still in it to eat at the end of the day.

(Such as How hard, how easy, how daring can I be if I can't not get hit, arethere lots of guns? Ohoooo!! Can I just run & gun and be done in 4 minutes Sarge?)
