Getting started with SWAT 4 in 2017

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Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 days ago
Getting started with SWAT 4 in 2017

Document version 1.1

SWAT 4: Gold Edition has just been released on However, the game is not officially supported which means you'll have to do some tweaks yourself if you want play online.

The first version of SWAT 4 was released in April 2005 followed up by en expansion pack in February 2006. The Gold Edition contains both SWAT 4 and the expansion pack The Stetchkov Syndicate. This guide is meant to getting you started on the expansion The Stetchkov Syndicate for players/clients and not for setting up a server.

0) Misc configuration

The following are changes that I'd recommend you to apply in order to make the most out of SWAT 4.

In order to apply these changes I'd recommend to try the SWAT 4 Toolkit v 3.1 and apply the changes using this tool as it's much easier than make the changes manually. Make sure to do the changes for both SWAT 4 and SWAT 4 Stetchkov Syndicate. If the Toolkit doesn't work try the manual methods I've linked to in the above list.

1) Bringing the SWAT 4: TSS server list back

When GameSpy decided to shutdown the master server for SWAT 4, decided to develop a solution that would still allow us to have a working server list. He has released a mod for clients, that first of all brings back the server list, but also a decent admin menu.

Download In-game Serverlist Fix TSS + ACM Mod v4

Please notice, if you use the installer be sure to change the installation path from C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra\SWAT 4\Content\System\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra\SWAT 4\ContentExpansion\System\. As you guessed ContentExpansion concerns the expansion pack The Stetchkov Syndicate which is what we want to configure.

You can also use the manual install and simply move the following files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra\SWAT 4\ContentExpansion\System\.

  • ACMConfig.exe
  • AMClient.u
  • DownloadMod.u
  • MMServerList.u
  • SwatGui.ini

When you've moved files, remember to launch ACMConfig.exe and click Yes.

That should be it. You know have a working server list in SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate!

2) Download maps and skins

If you want the full experience on our Proving and Training Grounds, I'd also recommend to install:

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

SAS_Shawty's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Still the best game ever

Still the best game ever

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Note: your link to the

Note: your link to the resolution fix is 404. I assume it's the usual story for an Unreal Engine 2.x game.