Hello Lads!
Crazy times! Times where online communities are playing a big role in our lives as we're all locked down due to the coronavirus saga. I hope you and your families are all safe and well.
I want to wish the clan a happy 18'th birthday. I see there's not a lot of posts since I dropped in last year, but hope, the clan will continue.
So what am I up to these days? Well I will be 46 in July. Crazy to think I was in my twenties when I created the Mighty. It still boggles my mind that the clan continues so many years on. At the moment I'm playing in Star Citizen, and Red Dead Online (xbox). I've cut back on my gaming in recent years mainly to focus more on family but once a gamer, always a gamer!
Anyhoo, stay safe, keep rocking, and I'll see you next year!
All the best,
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Hi Smart, hope everything is well. The clan is waiting for Ready or Not to release later this year. Until then, things are probably going to be slow or quiet.
Nice to see more people are into Star Citizen. If you want, we can play together. I still have not visited Microtech, waiting patiently for 3.9 and more stability for the Alpha updates.
As long as someone is around to follow an idea, then it cannot die. Therefore, Goth is not Dead!
Hey Smart!
Belated happy birthday to [SAS]! I thought it was our 19th since you started [SAS] in 2001?
Coronavirus is an unprecedented event.. History in the making, no doubt. Hope you and your family are safe too, mate.
An early Happy 46th Birthday to you, either way though
Even with the current realistic and tactical FPS drought, we're still around and still rooting for the developers of Ground Branch and Ready Or Not. "one of these days" we'll see a spiritual successor to SWAT or Raven Shield in the form of a complete game
Star Citizen looks great, but MMOs aren't my thing though. Can't say I wouldn't get a thrill out of flying a spaceship with laser gatling guns!
SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major
"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"
18th strong. Happy late birthday to SAS & stay safe.
Here in my country the army had different type of operations, Corona operations such as food supply & lockdown shifts, lol
Who Dares Wins!!