Found some mods for Raven Shield

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Gothic's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Found some mods for Raven Shield

I am looking to mod Raven Shield and I have managed to find these mods for new weapons as well as the Iron Wrath expansion. I will try them out and let you know how it goes. About time this game gets some new life.

Supply drop mod for more weapons in singleplayer

Iron Wrath expansion

Pre-made plans for expansions (should be useful for Athena Sword and Iron Wrath)

As long as someone is around to follow an idea, then it cannot die. Therefore, Goth is not Dead!

Gothic's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Status report on the mods

I had the opportunity to mod Raven Shield over the past few days with the mods I listed in the original post.

Good news is, so far, the Iron Wrath expansion as well as the Pre-made plans seem to be working well. The multiplayer patch that I got is also working very well, although certain maps in the AllR6 server seem to cause the game to crash once in a while. It seems that certain maps might be a bit too much for Raven Shield's engine to handle and since it is an old game, I am not surprised that certain maps are causing issues.

If anyone knows if there is a potential fix for this, let me know.

On to the bad news, the Supply Drop mod seems to conflict with the multiplayer patch because multiplayer becomes inaccessible, as in the option to choose it is grayed out. Furthermore, it is not possible to launch the singleplayer mode because the UI would just disappear. I read in the comments section for that mod that there might be a solution but if it prevents multiplayer from being accessed, then I don't see it as being worth it.

I will keep this thread updated if I find anything interesting to bring new life into Raven Shield.

As long as someone is around to follow an idea, then it cannot die. Therefore, Goth is not Dead!