Arma 3 server: SAS Training Ground 1

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Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Arma 3 server: SAS Training Ground 1

If you haven't seen the small change on our front page: We have finally have an Arma 3 server. A special thanks to Dragon from [2R] who has lend us his server.

The server is locked: Password is set to Friend level.

The IP is

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Raptor's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
You are welcome. Hope you

You are welcome. Hope you guys will have many cool operations on the server, and I'll certainly join now and then for some casual rounds Wink


PS: mb I should finally change my forum name here, but Fluffy keeps calling me "Raptor" anyway Blum 3