Dear membership,
Regrettably, I have to announce that RSM Fluffy has applied for Veteran status which is hereby granted.
Thank you, Fluffy, for your hard work and dedication to the team. Your lack of presence will certainly be noticed, but I'm glad you will stick around and help out with the website now and then.
We are awaiting your return!
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Sad to see you go, Fluffy. As DC has said, thanks alot for your service to the team over the last few years and the great games and LiveOps you've created. Hope you'll still drop by for some rounds and a good laugh.
See you when we see you.
SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major
"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"
I hope you won't become a stranger Fluffy, good luck with RL. And like Master said, thank you for all your contributions!
SAS_Bobby - Veteran
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Honestly, this one I didn't see it coming
Thanks for all the good games there, mate. Hope you turn around every so often.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys, Of course I intend to stick around where possible. Hopefully in the future the situation will be right, and I will be able to return to active duty. Best of luck to you all!
"Let's just wing it" -Fluffy on things we should most definitely not wing
Thx for your good work after the reunion. A bit of a sudden move there but i guess you have good reasons. Catch ya on the servers!
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I hope you will come back soon Fluffy! Thanks for all you did for the clan and for beanbaging in my a** when I made mistakes on S4 during trainings when I still was a recruit!
Good luck for the future!
You rock SAS "New York Accent Pizza Boy" Rev, and you know it!