Hello, my name is Andrew, I am from Russia. I registered here just now, the choice has affected one of the co-operative games. In SWAT 4, I'm playing for 3 years. I hope we become friends.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
Hello, my name is Andrew, I am from Russia. I registered here just now, the choice has affected one of the co-operative games. In SWAT 4, I'm playing for 3 years. I hope we become friends.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
Hey dude. I play SWAT 4 on SAS servers often as well. Hope to see you in-game sometime. Got an Xfire?
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
I got it. Username is markedone1223
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
welcome to the forums jack
see u in game
We seem to have already seen.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
Thanks for registering with the site. That's the first step to much more m8. Enjoy the games and the discussions in the public forums.
Be visible and respectful. The members will take it from there.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome Jack!
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
G'day Jack hope to see you for some more Swat 4 games
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Welcome to the forums Jack! I'll see you in the server.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Thank you all for hospitality. I hope I'll see you in the game.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
What happened with server of SWAT 4? I went to it and saw the words "registration number is not authenticated." Then the server disappeared altogether.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
I restarted the server approximately the time you posted this message. If you try it now, you should be able to join. If not, shoot me a message via xfire and I'll look into it. Thanks.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hey Jack welcome to the site, Hope to see you around the servers for some more good games
Nothing changed
I think, that's my bug. Where can I type this "registration number"?
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
u loaded the RMX maps ?
check this jack
Yes, I download it.
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
The maplist has been made "sticky" in the forum so it will be easier to find in the future.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Well, since when the server began to demand the registration number?
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"
maybe u cleaned ur registry with some tool like tune up ?if u retype ur code it works or not?
sometimes i got trouble with server connect for no reason like code is in use or registration failed
retry it serveral times jack
maybe it helps i dont know
greets mate
Damn, is not obtained. We'll, I'll have to play Raven Shield. (if I ever learn to play it.)
Ura! I download license and now I ready to play with you!
\"Spetsnaz - head of spear, which name is Russian army.\"