Have your nickname a special history?
Or do you just make it up?
Well, I can start: "My nickname has not a special history - unfortunately.
I just made it up."
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Have your nickname a special history?
Or do you just make it up?
Well, I can start: "My nickname has not a special history - unfortunately.
I just made it up."
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Topic has already been done
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
I haven't search good enough.. Sorry.
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I think this was asked some time back in 2007, dunno.
For me my name is personal to me, I've only ever met one other Spidey01 online and one Spidey. Most people with similar names use 'Spy' rather then 'Spi' which I think is stupid.
I bought a flight sim and decided to put some thought into a more personal callsign then I used in MOHAA (Ranger_Terry) which was created in a hurry. I came up with Spidey but the jet fighter game didn't work on our PC :-(.
When I got DF:LW I decided that I would again try to adopt Spidey as my callsign but I settled on some thing slightly different, and Spidey01 was born.
The 01 was calculated as essentially first member (in the sense of point or lead) of the first squad, before I learned more about the proper organization of such things IRL ^_^
Although I answer to several names, Terry, Ranger, Ranger Terry, Spidey, and 'S', I pronounce it as Spidey Zero One when I speak my own call sign, although I don't mind being called Spidey
Spiderman is my favorite comic book hero, and you could say I'm some what of a geek myself with spider'ish qualities to my personality and behavior at times lol. I often self describe as part Camel, part Spider, part Human, strong as an ox and twice as stubborn as a mule.
Because I often get stuck carring as much crap as a camel and can operate on even less resupply (food, water, bathroom, sleep, etc). Am generally quite nimble on my feet and dextious among my fellows; so are spiders btw. I rarely get sick and I've yet to meet any one more stubborn then I am. I'm also generally strong despite my small size (by my standard for height)
No to mention I have a quality in common with the male Latrodectus mactans, now that I read it actually several qualities but I'll leave that to people guessing lol.
welp mine has a story behind it, I Bass fish and people say I could catch a bass outa mud hole very easy, So I thought Easy Bass Fishin or EZbasr for short, But I am also called White Ally02 also which stands for a Blue & White Allison, For those that dont know boats it is a Rocket on the water but at this time it is down due to a lower unit problem.
When I use to climb poles I was called Earl the Squirrel because of how good I could move on the poles and trees, and there are a fews times I was called other things I cant repeat,lol.
Yamaraion is simple. Cougar is often taken as a name. Japanese: Yama = mountain Raion = lion Literally, it's the same as Lion Mountain but most gaijin just accept Mountain Lion. I came up with it before my Japanese class and mucked up the grammatically correct form for Japanese. It was also my former SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) name.
The name I used to play under with you, Slack911, was picked two days after the Trade Towers terrorist attack on Sept 11th =911 (they made me add a number to) Slack = Second man in US Army patrol column Circa Vietnam War, behind point. SAS = #2
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
Hey, at least y'all wlll never go hungry Ezbasr
See Lake's post.
Locking this thread for good.