Wow---Here I am at work reminiscing with Centurian about the old SAS days, decided to check out the old site, and here I am. It is fantastic to see such a dedicated organisation as this still flurishing after all these years. It speaks directly to the committment of the leadership of this clan.
It is also great to see see some old friends still actively keeping this clan alive and well. It has been a while since last I visited this site, and I would like to congratulate everyone involved, and also say hello to all those that remember the "old snake". I hope all are well in real life, and I hope to check out this site a little more regularily in the future, if there are no objections of course.
Sun, 13/01/2008 - 00:55
Wow was nice to talk about the'old guard".
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
Good to see some of the old guys....
Do come to one of the servers too
Hi Viper,
By all means, please do stop by and visit us as your schedule permits. I remember the fond old days of Cent, Yourself and Me taking down RVS maps when the game first came out.
I miss those days...
Nice to hear from you again Viper.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Hi Viper and Cent.
Don't ignore our bustling SWAT dept too. Definitely worth a look
Careful Rasa you might scare him off with that photo
Nice to see you drop in Viper, hope to catch you on TG#1 some time
hi viper. hi cent. long time no see.
Ooh, the fossiles are coming back to life!
I was hoping that scary picture of Rasa was ordered down...ekkkk!
Correction, my scary signature was ordered down!
And Rasa might be the reason that all avatars will be removed from the forums at this rate.
My 8 year old son: What's that daddy?
Random: That's a transvestite.
My 8 year old son: What's a transvestite?
Random: It's someone who thinks they know, better than God, what gender he should have really been.
Of all the pictures that could have been chosen for your avatar, you seem to be particularly fond of you looking like a woman. Very odd. I'd rather you went back to that homosexual Roman's image.
I don't want to have to add a cyberpatrol id and password requirement to this site, but I really don't think minors should have to see things like that avatar.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Personally I find the avatar a tad repulsive and why on earth any one would have to do that on a holiday is beyond me lol
I don't ethically approve of any order to have it removed on the grounds of whats in the picture unless it is beyond the Forums COC... but of course always follow orders. I'm part of the Admin Team so we do what the CO says.
You shouldn't remove my avatar, we should all enjoy seeing Jessica Alba.
Julius Caesar wasn't a homophile. Ancient pederasty was a purely educational form, and not related to sexual preference.
Rasa, I have to say that I can't stand your avatar

As one member to another I don't think it stands for what we as the 22nd EVR want others to portray us as being. Maybe my opinion should be kept to myself, but I had to voice it. I think if you stop and consider it from a different perspective you will see reason to change it to something more amiable. Ok back to my room I go...
well i think its funny
I will join the other fossil's now............ :ninja
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
The issue is not for debate.
Nor should it be discussed in open forum.
This thread was altered from its original intent.
This thread was an opportunity for a former member SAS_Viper to say hello to his friends... not for us to air dirty laundry or fight over a decision of GCHQ.
Lets show this former member some respect and honour his posting in the manner it should be, and not how it has been so far.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Thanks for the words of wisdom Enforcer, and I think that has always been a problem with all forums, keeping things on track. I don't mind. Glad to see some friendly faces still watching the forums...and sorry to Rasa for bring up a querulous issue...i did not mean too. Freedom of expression needs to be allowed and sometimes discussed, it is the reason so many soldiers have lost their lives.