Was just wondering if there are specific times for training on the public server or if it just on an ad hoc basis. Spent a few hrs this morning waiting for plans too be made so I could get some teamplay but everybody was more or less working under guidelines than anything else. If I can, I ONLY want to work squad tactics thanks to my discovery of the SAS. Everything else seems to be a waste of my time, so if I could narrow my focus to actual training ops, I can do other things when real training isn't going on. Thanks.
WHEN to play?
Sun, 16/04/2006 - 14:00
WHEN to play?
At the moment, there are no set training times.
When you see a member, ask for training or to set up teams.
See you in the servers.
only those who will
Sounds like my kind of player.
Even if we don't always have a grade A plan to execuite, we still usually will form loose teams to carry out the mission Winter.
I think we should bring back Weekly training sessions again
(FRI Winter, most of our Training sessions consisted of a brief plan, which was then carried out by the assigned EL's and there Teams; often with one shot at a given map.)
I fully agree with you winter: Playing solo and running around is a total waste of time. As u are aware of, ppl aren't always prepared -- or competent -- to play in teams. That is the disadvantage of having a public server.
Continue to learn patience, ask SAS for team play -- and continue to act IAW SOPs.