just saying hi
I have my comp at my girls pad
so you might see online a little more hope to se you
1 AH AH AH 2 AH AH AH 3 AH AH AH 4 Tangos Down AH AH AH
just saying hi
I have my comp at my girls pad
so you might see online a little more hope to se you
1 AH AH AH 2 AH AH AH 3 AH AH AH 4 Tangos Down AH AH AH
that is good news indeed Count. Hope to see you in the server soon!!!

Glad to hear it.
only those who will
Hello Count...
I saw a Bodycount on Server # 1... Was that you ?
Send me an email from time to time... letting me know how you and DM are doing.... SASEN4CER@SASCLAN.ORG
Cya around Count.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
that was i
1 AH AH AH 2 AH AH AH 3 AH AH AH 4 Tangos Down AH AH AH
Hey Count:)
The Count is back, long live the Count
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hey Count good to see you, give a hello to DM aswell.
Hi good to see you. Get in the servers any time you can.
Hey Bodycount! How's it going. I miss those late nights on TG#1, counting tangos with you :). And DM too.