I am som mad, LOL
Was on TG1 to day, and there came a player who was not nice, used foul language a lot, were mean to a girl on server, did not respect directions. He changed his name a lot:^
^_^, rampagejackson, EA_Artists_Law, KillMeSaddam, BB99^^88, FAU7, FoxTechnoBravo, FoxEchoBravo, Def, PPLKillPPLNoTGU and G.I:Joe
There was no admin to reach. Tried to warn him and help him to behave. But a lot of other players started to get pissed of on him, so keeping the order on TG1 was not easy.
And I couldent get his PB info... Tried to not start the game and get him to leave, but nom it didn't help
I missed my training to day, and in the end I got so pissed of that I left te server...
Ill take a look at the server now.
Done. Kicked 3 ppl who was bahaving badly. There was actually a "war" going on in there. I will stay on server the next houer to see whats going on.
Yeah, i saw him when i was on there, and he was being a real jerk.
Who did you kick, because when i left there were a bunch of people arguing, but most of it was the one guy's fault?
I'm just trying to protect the innocent and hopefully prevent people who were merely reacting from getting banned.
No1 was banned. Only warned and kicked.
He used my boss name! Well almost heh. It's disturbing to see how some cant respect other users on the server :cry:
Haven't seen many distrubing members, but if I do I tend to harass Spidey
Now i know the background information of why Noer asked me if it was calm in there, if anyone was behaving badly. Thankfully it was calm when I got in there!
i hate such guys. When i was online one time and played at SAs TG#3, there were 2 german people, the name of the first was "Stern" and the second name i can't remember. They also used foul language, do some rambo action and so on. In the end the both guys went out and i was very very angry.
People like this annoy me very much...........the server was created for Coop Minded players to enjoy a good gaming experience. But we get some people who like to ruin the fun for others. Why dont we give a permant ban for the person in question from the servers and get that punk buster installed lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Good words there Sniper.....
Just to let you guys know, a variant on FoxEchoBravo kept cussing and dissing other players on the server later today...
The ???EchoBravo Crew there are many more of them!I think we dont let them into the Server again....
Greetz Raider