SAS_Wiz: "Look out for Eversmann, he's reeaaalll Dangerous."
SAS_Wiz:"Why do you retreat?! We are the SAS, we never retreat!"(python entered a room and was mowed down, and I ordered a retreat after getting heavy fire from an unknown location.)
In the UK, what you US guys call fries, we call chips. (what you call chips, we call crisps).
There was a TV advert a while back (you call it a commercial?) for oven chips or microwave chips. Two small girls are eating this particular brand of chips, when one says to the other "which do you prefer, daddy or chips?".
The girl sits and thinks for a while before deciding "daddy".
Her dad comes over and takes a chip. She looks all downhearted and says "chips".
So, will the [SAS] go all emotional and choose their dads over the hollow material value of chips? Or will they dump the old emotional attachments and shoot for the instant satisfaction of chips?
well yes its rather funny but i knew most of that as should some of us here especially with the chips part such as fish and chips is all i have experience with. But i voted before anyway and vote right i voted for chips cuase my dad would eat all my chips and so he would then go out and buy me another bagto replace the bag he ate , btu would again end of eating that bag half the time. so by default i would say chips. but microwaved yuck
So it little was Daddy or Chips lololol. I've encounted a few things that are diffrent between the US and the UK that I really like, but words I like the best I can't really say ^o)
Let a Belgian give you advice on how to make good chips: Just clean some potatoes, cut em in to pieces (I prefer thin bars), put them in a frying pan, take em out. Put em in again, and there you are: yummi chips.
Oh come on Rasa, like I can honestly be arsed to do that when I want chips! Microwave chips are great cos they take about a minute and they taste pretty good. Cleaning potatoes + Frying stuff = far too much washing up too!
Assuming the deffinition of what we call fries, and what you call chips is the same when pretaining to "microwave" chips. who's bright idea was it to microwave'em when you can oven reheat?? Or are microwave chips a bit diffrent then I'm obiously thinking? (Or just another diffrence between US/UK, bags of at lest a lb or more in our case for "frozen" oven reheat fries)
i live off junkfood. you should se my bookshelf as there is only food and no books. about fries there are microwave fries here too, spidey not sure if this helps but the idea was you store fries in the freezer and then stick them in the microwave for a few minutes for hot cooked fries where as reheating might take a long time and would be inconsistent each time.
Hmmmmm a large crock pot full of beans, cooked slowly all day with some fatback in it. A skillet full of cornbread, an onion, a pot of stewed potatoes, some corn on the cob just out of the garden and some Tennessee smoked ham. If that don't set your salava glands to salivating, you aint living right. Now if I had some homegrown tomatoes to go with this, I would think I had died and gone to heaven...... Oh yea, and to wash all this fine cuisine down, about a half gallon of good ole sweet tea.. Southern Style, not that Northern stuff either. And for dessert a fat slice of hot apple pie with a scope of vanilla ice cream..... But of course this is just one of many fine meals served in the south... Ya'll come get some now, ya hear!!!!!!
Let a Belgian give you advice on how to make good chips: Just clean some potatoes, cut em in to pieces (I prefer thin bars), put them in a frying pan, take em out. Put em in again, and there you are: yummi chips.
Microwave chips.... Crazy british!
I believe chips is a product originating from Belgium, BTW. The Germans tried to steal credit for chips, as they have with hamburgers, but that was an effort fiercly fought.
I believe chips is a product originating from Belgium, BTW. The Germans tried to steal credit for chips, as they have with hamburgers, but that was an effort fiercly fought.
Coq Rouge
That's absolutely right.
Besides, If you make em the Belgian way, they are actually crispy. It's not possible that microwave fries are crispy!
Hehe a discussion about potatoes and french-fries/chips.. Well..
All know the Danes make the best potatoes. The world known potatoes comes from a little Danish island called Samsø (samsoe).
Well if you want the best french-fries/chips you buy the brand called Chef Dupont. (Don’t know if you got that brand over there, but they make all kinds of good french-fries/chips products.
This one's even easier
I think I get it, had to check some journal entries though.
your right.. don't have a clue
When the polls over, can some one tell me what the first one is? lol
Dam james your getting personal there. Luckily its an anomynous poll.
i really hope things will be explained later
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I second that lol.
SAS_Wiz: "Look out for Eversmann, he's reeaaalll Dangerous."
SAS_Wiz:"Why do you retreat?! We are the SAS, we never retreat!"(python entered a room and was mowed down, and I ordered a retreat after getting heavy fire from an unknown location.)
no explanation needed in my book
8O 8O 8O
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
In the UK, what you US guys call fries, we call chips. (what you call chips, we call crisps).
There was a TV advert a while back (you call it a commercial?) for oven chips or microwave chips. Two small girls are eating this particular brand of chips, when one says to the other "which do you prefer, daddy or chips?".
The girl sits and thinks for a while before deciding "daddy".
Her dad comes over and takes a chip. She looks all downhearted and says "chips".
So, will the [SAS] go all emotional and choose their dads over the hollow material value of chips? Or will they dump the old emotional attachments and shoot for the instant satisfaction of chips?
well yes its rather funny but i knew most of that as should some of us here especially with the chips part such as fish and chips is all i have experience with. But i voted before anyway and vote right i voted for chips cuase my dad would eat all my chips and so he would then go out and buy me another bagto replace the bag he ate , btu would again end of eating that bag half the time. so by default i would say chips. but microwaved yuck
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Microwave chips are usually alright. For anyone who's never had fish and chips, you're missing out on something massive.
Hmmmmmmm fish and chips.... Makes me want to go to Capt. D's for some. Wish there was a Red Lobster nearby.......;)
So it little was Daddy or Chips lololol. I've encounted a few things that are diffrent between the US and the UK that I really like, but words I like the best I can't really say ^o)
I vote Dad personally.
Microwave chips? frickin' 'ell.
Let a Belgian give you advice on how to make good chips: Just clean some potatoes, cut em in to pieces (I prefer thin bars), put them in a frying pan, take em out. Put em in again, and there you are: yummi chips.
Microwave chips.... Crazy british!
Oh come on Rasa, like I can honestly be arsed to do that when I want chips! Microwave chips are great cos they take about a minute and they taste pretty good. Cleaning potatoes + Frying stuff = far too much washing up too!
If your going to bother doing all taht work rasa u may as well make mashed potatoe, the daddy of all potatoe products.
Trust me, Rasa;s idea is the best ya gonna get; but it takes alot of work
If it an't work, it an't gonna work lol
ok......I was way off. I thought it was some going to be some deep discussion about something else. Oh well, I love fries....
Only 1 problem i find with microwave chips, u get about 5 in the box, dont know about you Adze but i need at least a hundred
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Assuming the deffinition of what we call fries, and what you call chips is the same when pretaining to "microwave" chips. who's bright idea was it to microwave'em when you can oven reheat?? Or are microwave chips a bit diffrent then I'm obiously thinking? (Or just another diffrence between US/UK, bags of at lest a lb or more in our case for "frozen" oven reheat fries)
You guys eat too much junkfood :P.
i live off junkfood. you should se my bookshelf as there is only food and no books. about fries there are microwave fries here too, spidey not sure if this helps but the idea was you store fries in the freezer and then stick them in the microwave for a few minutes for hot cooked fries where as reheating might take a long time and would be inconsistent each time.
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Hmmmmm a large crock pot full of beans, cooked slowly all day with some fatback in it. A skillet full of cornbread, an onion, a pot of stewed potatoes, some corn on the cob just out of the garden and some Tennessee smoked ham. If that don't set your salava glands to salivating, you aint living right. Now if I had some homegrown tomatoes to go with this, I would think I had died and gone to heaven...... Oh yea, and to wash all this fine cuisine down, about a half gallon of good ole sweet tea.. Southern Style, not that Northern stuff either. And for dessert a fat slice of hot apple pie with a scope of vanilla ice cream..... But of course this is just one of many fine meals served in the south... Ya'll come get some now, ya hear!!!!!!

Is that an invitation? hehe
I believe chips is a product originating from Belgium, BTW. The Germans tried to steal credit for chips, as they have with hamburgers, but that was an effort fiercly fought.
Coq Rouge
That's absolutely right.
Besides, If you make em the Belgian way, they are actually crispy. It's not possible that microwave fries are crispy!
microwave fries -->
Yeah Micro Chips are definitely a bit tight when it comes to quantity. Couple of boxes usually does me fine though.
Hehe a discussion about potatoes and french-fries/chips.. Well..
All know the Danes make the best potatoes. The world known potatoes comes from a little Danish island called Samsø (samsoe).
Well if you want the best french-fries/chips you buy the brand called Chef Dupont. (Don’t know if you got that brand over there, but they make all kinds of good french-fries/chips products.
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
Why is it called French fry?
In the US, it is "would you like some French fries with that burger?"
only those who will