Heim (former CO) - 8 years
Step in for some excellent games, SIR
Adze - 5 years
We never met, but you must have been omnipresent on the server in earlier days as I heard...
Medic - 2 years
Maybe this is a special day, cause you are omnipresent, too... Keep up the good work here - nice to have you aboard
HAPPY CLANBIRTHDAY to all of you and 3 cheers for 3 old guys...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
WCB folks - hope there will be more to follow. And I hope I will meet Atze and Heim some day ... didnt see them in my last 2 years ...
HCB Heim, Adze and Medic
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
HCB to all of you
Happy Birthday Medic, Adze, and Heim
Have a good beer on me and to Heim and Adze come for some games sometime.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Ah, A Triple By-Pass.....
Heim, for his dedication to SAS
Adze, I have heard nothing but Good Things...
Medic, hmmm..Medic, think-think, Oh Yea..
Happy Clan Birthday Medic...b||b
Happy clan birthday you lot!
Heim, hope to see you return someday, cya on AIM.
Adze, get yo butt into the server for some cold
Medic, you just passed the first leg of the journey: hope you make it to the first mile stone (3yrs) and keep running m8.
Happy Clan Birthday to all of yuns, Haven't met two of ya but the name Medic sounds purty familiar
O yea, Thats our Medic, Happy Clan Birthday to ya Medic!!!
HCB to you all
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
HCB to all three of you
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
HCB guys!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy CB guys
Congrats to all 3 of you.
Most of my thoughts goes to Medic.
TY for the big effort that you give us here M8.
Its a pleasure having you around.
Guys, BIG TY!!!
Its cause of every single one of you that I'm still around. So watch out, I'll hang around some more.
I'm kinda addicted to this team
And to our Vet's, HCB guys... beers on me.
Cheers to all three of you!
HCB to Heim, Adze and Medic,
I have never had the opportunity to meet Heim or Adze but i have had the good company of Medic.
HCB you Three
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Congratulations and HCB guys!
hcb mates !
HCB guys !!
HCB Guys
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Cheers guys. Not sure what prompted me to check the forums today - the urge just came over me.
I struggle to believe people still play Raven Shield!
I'm way impressed the clan's still on the go. Impressive work folks.
Much love.