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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

This happened yesterday=13 September 2006
Its past noon and the students of the Dawson college in Montréal, Canada, are already busy working in their classrooms. Then a car parks close by the college, a tall and skinny man dressed in black,Kimveer Gill, get out of it and start walking towards the school. He was carrying 3 weapons on him: a .45 pistol, a 9mm semi-auto carabine and a shotgun caliber 12. The few students who saw him believed he was going to play a movie. The suspect was thinking of something else. He made his way through the college shooting in the crowd. The man injured more than 20 people and killed a young woman. Five of the victims were critically wounded and spent the last night fighting for their lives at the hospital.

The policemen reacted quickly and set a perimeter around the Dawson college and the SWAT team began their entry. They started to clear the college floor by floor, room by room. As soon as the suspect spotted the entry team a firefight began. Badly wounded after beeing hit by the policemen's bullets the suspect chose to kill himself rather than confront the consequences of his acts. His days were over.

The SWAT team didn't know how many suspects there was even though only one had been spotted. They finally cleared the whole college without interference. They found students in tears, hidding where they could to avoid the massacre. Paramedics picked up the victims.

The suspect, Kimveer Gill, is a 25 years old Canada citizen. His family came from India. He listened to Death metal music, played gore video games and had a burning anger for those he considered ''nornal people''. On his personal website anybody could read his journal which was picked by the police department. They found written horrible though of violence and anger. He even made subtles sentences that clearly invoked his desire of ''kill, destroy and die mutilated''. In addition, his website featured many photos of him with his guns, his boots, clothes as well as his knife and ammo supply.

That conclude my post that took me quite sometime to write. Its a horrible thing and I hope it wont repeat itself anymore. Though knowing mankind, it will.

SAS_Lazko :tired:

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Things like this shouldn't happen, we should have Auto-matic taser turrets at the gates.

This guy reminds me of the clan leader of my very first MechWarrior clan but 10 x more deadly.

Last seen: 18 years 2 days ago

Those kind of people are a scourge upon the planet, and should be exterminated. Maybe the rules are different in Canada, but here he would have gotten five or six rounds in the base of his brain and a few more before his head hit the ground. We don't ***k around with people like that, we kill them before they can hurt any more innocents. It shows some stellar restraint on the SWAT team's part for not killing him outright.

Hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible crime.


Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

Yes Merge I agree with you

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

The worst thing you can do to someone like that is make them a vegetable. Make them a living corpse, so they never forget how the suffering they caused feels.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

:tired: yes i knew someone like that

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago

just shows you the culture of kids today. Yeh right a guy walks up carrying a carbine and you assume he is in a movie...wake up kids, this aint hollywood.
Its a very bad event, but with guns as freely available as they are, you cant stop it.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Here in the US it's your right to own and bear arms (although murder and treason are illeagle). Canada I have no idea, UK I know a little bit but I think personally.

You don't need a "Serious weapon" in less your in the military or law enforcement. Heck, for personal defense a pistol and some mags should be plenty. Heck if he's not armed with the right training you don't need a weapon.

For hunting I don't think you need to have as much expirence as a sniper, so it'd be fair enough in my book to buy the beer and rent the rifle. When the US Constution was written many people needed firearms to hunt for food. Now they just hunt for sport, so it's not as neccesary as it was ihmo it should be restrained to avoid such things. I'm sure most countries by now have figured out not every one needs a military grade weapon.

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago

In the Uk Shotguns are allowed to be kept by sportsmen and Farmers, if the relevent licence is applied for. All other weapons are illegal, even BB guns are now illegal in a public place !. Knives with a blade length of over 3 inches, tazers and personal defence sprays are also illegal. But even here, gun crime is growing at an extortionate rate.
Just a couple of months back, my friends house was broken into while he was asleep, by two scums carrying UZIs - the motive for the break in? they wanted his car keys.
Once you have legalized anything, it is virtually impossible to reverse the effect.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Re: Wow.

Those kind of people are a scourge upon the planet, and should be exterminated. Maybe the rules are different in Canada, but here he would have gotten five or six rounds in the base of his brain and a few more before his head hit the ground. We don't ***k around with people like that, we kill them before they can hurt any more innocents. It shows some stellar restraint on the SWAT team's part for not killing him outright.

Hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible crime.

the guy killed him self and in canada we dont have a death penalty


Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

No, Suzuki is right, we dont have death penalty. Plus most of the time even a terrible criminal go to prision he can get out, as soon as the 2/3 of his prison time is done. Our justice system is too soft.

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

There are a total of 7,098,386 (registered) firearms in Canada, and 8,371,020 households. Roughly 84 percent of Canada's households owns a gun. Homocide victims: 208
In the US, there are 215 million guns and 113,146 households (2005 census)... so roughly 2 (registered) firearms per household and 419,640 firearm incidents in the us in 2005 and 477,040 firearm victims
All this means that the victim/gun ratio in the US is much higher... no wonder the US is the no.1 shooting country. Canada has quite a decent gun situation IMO.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

I'm sick about hearing statistics from other people. Just sick, see the face? :sick:

Yes, we have guns, but so what, almost everybody in the world does. I don't get shot at where I live, and most of the shooting is done by gangs in New York, California, and places like Chicago, but limited to those. Don't let the chlorine in the gene pool influence your opinion like you understand the problem. Because you know what, they're are some crazy ass places in Europe. Places people go alone and never come back. And you know what, I own a gun, and I help control the deer population. Big deal... Look at the things statistics don't say, like who does it and where.

And yes Laz, the justice system IS to soft, if I could I'd lay a world a hurt on those who decide they can takes other lives. Especially the crazy asses like Doctor Death and ol' Jeffery.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago

stats are nt much use here, mainly because if a gun was registered to you and your house, you would have to be fairly stupid to go shoot someone with it in the street. Its the 'black' guns you need to worry about, no serial numbers, etc etc. Gun crime is actually very high in the UK, but all weapons are illegal here...go figure. Some crazy politicians say that guns should be legalized along with some class A drugs, because the novelty will wear off. Their logic is kids want to go buy smokes and alchohol, but once they reach the legal age, the novelty wears off, YEH RIGHT of course its on par, not. Legalizing things does not work, it just makes no differance to the trade of such an item, it just opens it to a wider audience.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

What I'm pointing out is that it hasn't got anything to do with the amount of guns (the amount of registered ones representing the total one, a guesstimate really), but with American mentality.

Canada has VERY little firearms incidents compared to the amount of registered guns.

Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago

The territorial army has 80.000 assault rifles, submachine guns and pistols with ammunition stored in private homes, together with the weekend warrior's other soldier gear.

Statistically, there is one incident annually (suicide, guns used under influence of alchohol, even a homicide from time to time).

That became a public outcry and turned into a political issue. Now, the firing pins are removed and stored at the depot. Now, the number of incidents is reduced from 1 to 0.


Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

Canada has VERY little firearms incidents compared to the amount of registered guns.

See we make a huge cake of it but I know the firearms incident/registry is rather low compared to other countries but still, its unacceptable to me to see somebody like that armed with 3 weapons firing on students. Its an ethical question really.

But Rasa I agree

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

What american mentallity are you talking about, the generalization that all americans want to shoot someone? Fill me in here.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 18 years 2 days ago

...the generalization that all americans want to shoot someone...

It burns my ass up every time I hear someone make that remark... I can't tell you how many times I've heard some ignorant **** running for public office around here make the comment that "they plan to outlaw guns", and that "this world is too violent, let's blame video games, music, television, and our military for getting our children involved in so much violence." Children are much smarter than people give them credit for, but it tends to be that many adults are much dumber than we realize. I strongly believe that the minds of those who go out and commit such acts as shooting up schools and just opening fire on the public in general-- are seriously disturbed individuals who have relenquished their right to live, and I will not say that modern entertainment industries have had anything to do with this "warping" of their minds until someone shows me a mass murderer who shoots up a school that was not raised in a dysfunctional family element...

'If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns...'
-Various persons, myself included...


Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

I am not making a generalisation. However, statstics CLEARLy show there are relatively MORE firearm incidenst in the US then anywhere else. Why? I don't know... I'm guessing society bound. Not video games, or TV violence (we have that in Belgium too)

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

I really don't think that anyone here is trying to say that americans are crazy or are more shooting related but it's true. per capita we have A HUGE amount more shootings then any other civilized nation.

I think it has alot to do with sections of the country with an urban mentatlity that excepts gang violence with firearms as just a fact of life.
