Ya i think this website just need one more thing to be better , ...theme...download something ... make one ,maybe...(dont try :S) hehe ,
really inspiracion theme , u know what i mean?
War theme...
Ya i think this website just need one more thing to be better , ...theme...download something ... make one ,maybe...(dont try :S) hehe ,
really inspiracion theme , u know what i mean?
War theme...
Considering the security issues impossed by some flashplayer and quicktime codecs and crap-for-license terms I'd suggest agasnt it personally.
Background music is nice on a web site as long as there is an on/off switch for when you put on your own music choice. Such as Amarok or Winamp blasting .oggs and MPEG based files
Music or sound that starts automaticly when the site loads is a big no-no. It's annoying for most people. It's one thing that web designers learn at school.
I remember back in the days when Moebius was webmaster, sasclan.org actually had a intro animation with music just before the main site loaded.
Music on a website is the EVIL and SATAN. It's annoying, you get bored with it after a while, it's extra loading time. Definitely a no: no music.
Besides, it might scare away visitors who wouldn't like the tune.
As the website is now, it's a simple, sobre working space. Which is exactely what I'd expect of a clan's website
I must admit, i would like to see some sort of video intro or side panel showing some [SAS] in action on the home page, but as for music...if it was to be included it would have to be something fairly neutral...possibly Bill Browns music (the music made for the Rainbow Six games).
Its better when you have diff tracks for each page, like the 'MechLab' over at warhawkPPC
ok ,u dont want...whatever is just a suggestion
Yeah I remember that intro-movie quite well Leon, I personally liked it, it kinda gave new comers a quick impression of what SAS EVR was/is all about. But yes it became pretty annoying.. (Though if you could personally turn it on/off then I would love to see it back).
As for a new theme, I think grandmaster wiz is working on something, but I too like spidey would like a flash free webbie which should be simple and strict like the one we have now, just a bit more up-to-date.
I hate background music on websites. Always have and always will do.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator
indeed it will get really anoying really fast its just crap
SAS will not be adding intro videos or background music on the site,
i can pretty much garuantee that
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
altough an intro video could be cool
The first 5 visits.
or some training video's would be cool,filmed in the killing house,
i'm just making some suggestion though
there are training videos in the..ummm..video section.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
in game training video's?
The layout is perfectly fine; color gradients and everything. As long as you can read and understand the layout it's FINE. Music kills any site, and if you have to suffer watching a flash video or something it's as bad as music. Especially if it's poorly made.
The site is to display information and tactics. That's all it should need (aside from downloads for server maps and whatnot), plus forums. Everything else is overkill and should be left for MySpace pages where you want to purposely piss people off.
For your information. A certain Captain is making a completly new theme for the site. He cannot tell you how it will look, but it will be subtly improved. It will Not have any music, sound effects, videos or Flash.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
i think it would be nice, but you have to change the best for it