Hey SAS,
Just wanted to say thank you for a great server! I enjoy playing with SAS members and have found that your site also attracts other players I enjoy playing with even when I find them on other servers. Well done.
Mon, 17/12/2007 - 22:42
Hi m8
Thanks m8. Good games, stay on the forums and on the server(s)
When someone ask if anyone is up for a element, just say yes, but first, read our tactics... http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Tactics
Feel fre to ad me on xfire:-)
Hi Hangman.
Good games tonight. Keep up the good work, and do as Medic says.
Cu around.
Im on vacation now...but youre always welcome on our servers.
Howdy there Hangman
Hey Hangman , Nice to see you on here!
See you on TG1# soon.
I cant play RVS anymore my laptos decided not to like it........................
BUT (yh a big BUT) Im getting swat 4 Gold edition sometime after the new year i hope xD