after a severall teamkills by a guy names podvezanec ill make a report about him ...he join in the TG4 and crosswalknorway ,dutchman and me we played some good games he join in told everyone to hurry up we ask him to be calm and he joined our team after the game started he shoot everyone down and was gone be aware of him
ok sure to send the incident report
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
ok im out of this...
battleshrimp ,redstorment whatever u guys for names have ...have fun
Sorry, what is going on here? would you like to explain? I am here, on PM, Email and Xfire
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
..i give up too, i am off. this is just bulshit ...have fun
SAS Rocks!!!
i dont woult explain it... im not even sure about it what i think ....
can somebody explain? you are confusing me
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hey Loey,
Just a bit of friendly advice on this matter : never feed the trolls. Don't make public posts about teamkillers and troublemakers. PM us, send a message on xfire (although mine has been down all day today ) send a server incident report via the drop down box. It's not really advisable to make a public post on the issue because not only are you letting the trolls know they pissed you off, you are also letting other potential trolls know that you are an easy target.
If there is trouble on the server and it really, REALLY, pisses you off, take a break. Never, lose your cool, that's the only reason people troll, for the craic; to upset you, don't ever give em more satisfaction. Let SAS (and other clan admins) deal with them silently, privately and swiftly. The less publicity a troll gets the better. The less you paint yourself as being irked by impolite, ignorant and irresponsible gamers, the less time they'll waste trying to rise you up.
Remember : If they are not playing then they are wasting their own time too and odds are they are far less patient that you will ever be.
Firstly, Corperal, can i remind you that bad language is not tolerated in public.
Secondly, if there is an issue and you dont know how else to report it..please make a post and we will deal with it.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Where's the sarge,really miss him.
This would not be the case if he were back. :roll:
With SAS running covert,be yourself ,hacs love u to react.
NTF and THE MASTER have been infiltrating.
And RVS has 20-30 active plyers a day.
Flooding is the biggest plan they have or hex your play(MISS EirE)
Half couldnt backup a sink so hang in there.
Dont let your guard dwn 8O
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
Huh... what does that mean Indeep... Be clear when you post something. I don't know if that's an insult, a report that something is wrong in our servers or anything.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
hey indeep u got trouble or something?
read maltys post again mate it was a good advice for me ;)or do it like Wiz sayd
see ya next week on the servers for some good games
Malty's always got the words,vg advice,our hrs vary around the wrld so not always can a admin be there,spectator mode is like an ignore button,but yes some ppl childen. :roll:
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...