SWAT4 Resolution Problem

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Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
SWAT4 Resolution Problem

Hey all guys, yesterday my new laptop arrived at home but i have a problem with swat now:
If i use resolutions like 800*600 or 1024*768 everything is fine, but when i switch to the max resolution of my monitor which is 1600*900 (editing the swat4x.ini) i can't see all menus and what i put in the chatbox (they are blank), it's clearly impossible playing in these conditions, but it's very bad aswell playing in 1024*768 for the low quality and the game takes half monitor too, it doesn't fit to fullscreen, this new laptop can handle this game with all settings at max smoothly so i hope that there is someone here who can help me with this issue.

I installed also the gez client mod, which fixes the countdown timer for widescreen resolutions but it wasn't enough for this other problem.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


Lodige's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

i have the same problem when i want to play the game via hdmi over my tv screen it changes the settings automaticlly to 1600*900 and all i can see is a black screen hes freezing about 10 minutes then i can play but if i switch back to desktop the resolution changes by self back so if i switch back it takes again 10 minutes
i think the problem is that the game is to old to run it 1600*900 ..
did u try another resolution ?there must be more then this 3 resolution settings...on the day the games comes out there was no 1600*900 resolution. do u have nvidia? then u can change the settings there. i have a samsung laptop its 4 years old..with nvidia GS 9900M.i tried the same with the sony vaio from my wife hes 2 years old with aTI chip and he cant run it too..so i think its just the game or can someone run it on 1600*900? maybe a desktop comp with a great grafikcard can run it.

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

First thanks for your fast reply mate Smile
I know that it's a common problem with widescreen resolutions, in fact in my previous laptop i had 1440*900 as max resolution and i remember that i had the same prob and i fixed it but unfortunately i don't remember how i solved it , we are talking of about 1 year and half ago Sad

Anyway the only 2 resolutions working are the ones i posted above: 800*600 and 1024*768, i tried with all other bigger resolutions supported by my monitor before going to the max one without results.


Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago

This is an old problem that i seem to remember, even if you change the files to new res' , they wont actually work, it just breaks your game (as you have said) My only offering as a solution is, if you know how; take a look in the SDK and see if you can work out which part of the code is screwing it up...write a new file and include it as a package in the mod file.
Then you can release your mod to the community.And have great success, because all the other resolution are now out of date Wink

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I tried to make a round in PG4 hoping that i could play the same but once in game i can't even see what people say, i have to wait the second line to view the first one (this is hidden), can't even see the evidences/weapons collected, the hud shows only the tocs...

I leaved after the first round cos it was really stressing playing like that...i need to find a solution for this big trouble or i won't be able to play swat Sad


Lodige's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

what is ur grafikchip? if u have nvidia u have to change ur resolution by nvidia self not on the normal comp settings then u must be able to play 1024*768
i had the same problem when i change it via start/settings.. i used nvidia systemsettings and change it there then i can play otherwise i cant read chat like u Smile

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I used to have always nvidia graphics so far but this time i'm with an AMD Radeon hd 6650, and from the catalyst control center i didn't find anything about gaming resolution, just about antialiasing and anysotropic filter Sad

Anyway after doing another test i noticed that the Y chat in briefing doesn't work too, it works once in game...this is really really weird :?


Lodige's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

:s sry mate then i dont know what to do more Sad

maybe u can go to the shop where u buy the laptop and ask the guy how to do it theyr speciallist if u diodnt buy it in some store like saturn or media market because these guys dont know anything about computers Sad
search for a little computershop i think they make it for less then 20 bugs to change it for u thats the only chance i see Sad sry mate

SAS_Walker's picture
Last seen: 11 months 20 min ago

I play in 1680x1050 (setres 1680x1050 in console) and have the same issue that i dont see what i write in chat also i dont see the timer. Well i have to trust my fingers...the rest is fine tho no problems.

Maybe its just an old ati driver.
You have problems with other games?

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago


I have this laptop from 3 days so i didn't try other games yet, anyway i fixed the problem about the blank chatbox, now i can see what i write, it's about editing some parameters in the swatgui.ini file (this file is not checked while connecting a multiplayer server so you will be able to join every server even editing it).
Contact me on xfire and if you want i can explain what to do or just send me the file and i will fix it for you Wink

I fixed also the problem of the first chat line missing, now i can see the chats properly, one problem remains...the teamchat doesn't work in the briefing screen, it works only once the game is started, i'm searching for a fix atm.


Thanks for all your answers my friend, i appreciate a lot your interest, no need to sorry Smile


Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago

im assuming that you are running windows 7 of some flavour. Right click on your desktop, before you launch the game and you will see the resolution settings Wink

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

SAS_Lodige is right, the game is to old, or more specifically the engine build is. SWAT 4 is new enough that it just maybe have a chance.

Monitors and TV's have an "Aspect ratio", it's the ratio of how wide to how tall stuff is. Modern widescreen and HDTV = 16:9, older wide screen monitors are usually 16:10 or 16:9 I think. Standard TV and non-wide screen (square) monitors are 4:3.

RvS and S4 were made on Unreal Engine 2, builds that were made with 4:3 in mind and no real support for 16:9 or 16:10 resolutions. This picture will give you an idea.

Example: I used to play RvS in XGA / 1024x768px which is 4:3. Now I play in HD 1080 / 1980x1080px which is 16:9. So the grenade reticle and mini scope are a tad "Squished" into an oval or fish eye like look.

The *simple* solution is to play the game in a 4:3 resolution, whatever your graphics card can do and your monitor can fit. Then set your display settings to display it correctly, i.e. you get a "Letterbox" effect rather than scaling it up to the whole screen size. I should use UXGA / 1600x1200px on my 1980x1080px monitor for this reason. For a desktop you can usually find it in your monitors OSD; on laptops IDK.

The more complicated solution, go into your INI files and try to change the Field of View (FOV) setting. It'll probably be in User.ini or RavenShield.ini (and note well that it would be the D3D(9) or Engine group if it's in the latter). You would probably want to enlarge the field of view but depending on how the game engine was coded, you may want to decrease it.

If you use Google you can probably find a way to set this from the console and experiment with it while playing until it works. Or crash your game a lot.

Disclaimer: I don't remember if you _can_ change the FOV in RvS and still play multiplayer. On the upside there's no PunkBuster anti-cheat watching such values anymore.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

RvS fix: go to User.ini and look for the DesiredFOV and DefaultFOV settings.

Desired is what you get when zoomed with a scope I think, and Default is what you get otherwise.

My 22" LG seems to do well with a value of 120 instead of 90.

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Thanks Spidey and Maxy Smile

I realized that it's just a "font size problem" in fact i solved the main issue, the chat one, just increasing from the swatgui.ini the size of the chat entry box (in this way i can see what i type because the bigger fonts fit with the bigger box).

About the scaling option, i downloaded an "Ati Gpu scaling fix tool" which allows me to autoscaling resolutions which are smaller than 1600*900, i tried it and in fact when i set 1024*768 now it's fullscreen even if everything is very stretched and blurry, about instead the FOV i didn't find anything in the user.ini file but there are command lines in the SDK, which means editing the game source code and not being able to play online anymore.

I read in a forum aswell that this "2d objects missing problem" is just for 16/9 monitors, now i understand why in my previous notebook where i used a resolution of 1440*900 (16/10) i didn't lose all the writes in the boxes.

At this point i think that i arrived to a conclusion: if i want to see everything i can use the scaling option with 1024*768 res, or enjoying the max 1600*900 resolution sacrifing all the little writes in the boxes but i don't really care about this so much cos after long time playing this game, i know exactly what every button does even if it's blank Smile and the chat problem is fixed anyway.

I can always (if i want and if i have time) editing every box size to make appear these writes inside them, anyway i want to THANK all of you guys for your support and help again, it was really helpful for me.



Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

You should make your computer do the work. I don't have TSS installed on my current PC but here is an example from RvS, adjusting the path should work. Instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rainbow six 3 gold, you want to use SWAT 4's installation folder. The quotes when used are important.

After opening a command prompt:

C:\Users\terry> cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rainbow six 3 gold\Save" C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rainbow six 3 gold>findstr /S /N / I /R DefaultFOV= *.ini Save\Profiles\user.ini:605:DefaultFOV=120.000000 system\DefUser.ini:604:DefaultFOV=90.000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rainbow six 3 gold>

Which tells me the setting for RvS is in Save\Profiles\user.ini on line 605, and saves me having to look through all the games assets.

I'm physically lazy :-).

Post Script: if you see a gold trimmed black box without text in it, highlight the text of this post with your mouse and tell the web master to set the 'code' class to something more legible in this themes style.css:144. ^_^

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Hmmm i found in the Swatgame.ini file at line 327 this:


I tried to change these values to 120 but nothing changed ingame :?


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

What field are they filed under? I.e. the [what.ever] above that block.

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Both are under the [Engine.PlayerController] field


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Hmm, odd. Unless the development goons at IG broke that part of the game engine, it ought to work then.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

I had the same problem and it solved, when I deleted the 1600x1200 containing lines in this segments:
[fntSwatLCD], [fntSwat], [fntSwatSmall], [fntSwatLarge], [fntSwatOSLarge], [fntSwatOS], [fntSwatOSBoldLarge], [fntSwatOSBold] in GuiBase.ini. This deletion decreases the fonts' size, but it isn't compatible with online playing, so I'm looking for an other sollution.

Unfortunately my chatbox still can't show the lines last writed. Keller, could you write here how did you edited SwatGui.ini to increase the size of chatbox? Thank you! Smile

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Hey botond, first of all welcome in our forum! Smile
Now, to decrease the amount of the chatlines you have to edit the following lines:

(change it to a lower value, i have 6 for example)

(same thing)

To increase the chatbox size go to:

(use this value instead of the default one)

(use this one)

Hope it will help, anyway i'm here if you still have problems with it Wink
