SWAT / SAS MOD (released!)

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Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
SWAT / SAS MOD (released!)

can we get a status on the mod for those of us without access to the private forums? (I should make a new topic but seeing as you changed the subject yourselves...)

The testing phase of the SAS Mod has started today. So far I can only say: The Mod looks great and feels good Exclaim Lol For further reference: --> http://www.moddb.com/mods/sas-mod-v10-for-swat-4-expansion-tss ***UPDATE*** DOWNLOAD --> http://sas-mod.net46.net/index.php/Downloads DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago

Woah, you guys are working on a mod? Added incentive to buy TTS now! xD

On that note, I have to find another way to get the game; They don't sell it on Steam! D:

SAS_West's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 day ago

Mod is being developed by Franciswat and KeLLeR, great work by them on the beta version!

And yes unfortunately there aren't any digital copies of SWAT online anymore, they have hard copies all over though.

22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago

the mod certainly looks good from what I can see. I love the SAS skins and the new weapons- can't wait until public testing

From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago

Tested it today, just amazing !
specially the realistic sight of camera by wearing either masks/helmets/and such stuff.

new guns are nice improvement too. silenced handguns are nice Smile

new sounds of fire are better, ingame commands are good ( only what I would like to add is ''suspect neutralised'' ) because if we have XRAY spotted, than its only logical Smile

But everything else... well done !

SAS_Magnum Lance Corporal SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago

Looks really cool, cant wait to try it .

Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago

If all else fails, try Ebay

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago

Damnit, I was really relying on a digital release somewhere, but it seems it was taken off Direct2Drive. I -really- don't want to buy second hand. There always seems to be that uncertainty whether or not multiplayer will work, and I don't have the resources to go after multiple copies just to get a key that won't end up being used randomly by others.

Or perhaps I'm paranoid. Either way, it'll take me a while.

Regimental Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
SAS_Master's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago

Damnit, I was really relying on a digital release somewhere, but it seems it was taken off Direct2Drive. I -really- don't want to buy second hand. There always seems to be that uncertainty whether or not multiplayer will work, and I don't have the resources to go after multiple copies just to get a key that won't end up being used randomly by others.

Or perhaps I'm paranoid. Either way, it'll take me a while.

I got my copy from amazon 'bout 2/3 weeks ago. Have no problems with scratches on the disk (I checked each of the 3 discs individually and couldn't see one!) and the keys supplied on the inside of the case work perfectly.

SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major


"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

Really nice!! Are u guys planning on making a mod to RVS too? Smile


Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago

Damnit, I was really relying on a digital release somewhere, but it seems it was taken off Direct2Drive. I -really- don't want to buy second hand. There always seems to be that uncertainty whether or not multiplayer will work, and I don't have the resources to go after multiple copies just to get a key that won't end up being used randomly by others.

Or perhaps I'm paranoid. Either way, it'll take me a while.

I bought my copy on either Ebay or Amazon (can't remember, whichever one was cheaper!), and I have absolutely no problems with it (besides long load times compared to RvS...).

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago

Bought copies for myself and a mate, dirt cheap and works perfectly-bought on amazon

From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

Really nice!! Are u guys planning on making a mod to RVS too? Smile

Sorry, no mods for RvS planned cos we both play only SWAT :roll:


Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

I honestly didn't wait to try this version made by these two Italians... :roll:

Do you need, casually, another tester? Biggrin

(I am very fussy and I check every detail ingame...) Dirol

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

I honestly didn't wait to try this version made by these two Italians... :roll:

Do you need, casually, another tester? Biggrin

(I am very fussy and I check every detail ingame...) Dirol

Contact me in xfire mate Wink


Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Seems you have the benefit of the Italy bonus, SlimSin... Dirol

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Some short feedback for you guys waiting for the release:

The increased running speed makes our already fast roomclearing even more dynamic. The SAS Mod transports the feeling of being right in the action. Lol

Shootouts with the new weapon sounds makes you feel like being in a warzone. Convinced me fully Exclaim Dirol GREAT STUFF THERE Exclaim

There are still many adjustments to do. Watch this topic here and the following link to keep up-to-date about the progress:

--> http://www.moddb.com/mods/sas-mod-v10-for-swat-4-expansion-tss

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Some more news:

3 hours of testing behind me with Dean, KeLLeR and DDay - the SAS Mod feels GREAT Exclaim

Enemy AI is really smooth now: Instead of sitting around and waiting, they actively walk the building --> big show Exclaim Got totally surprised once. Blum 3

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago

Can wait bosses !!! Smile

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

The beta testing of the SAS Mod is at the ending phase, almost all aspects of the mod have been improved during these days and new features have been added too.
Therefore i decided do a list of the main changes and of the new things added, let's start with:


- SMGs:

H&K MP5sd (new 3d model with silencer as part of the body)
H&K MP5 Kurtz (loud and suppressed version)

- Assault Rifles:

H&K 33 (normal and scoped 6x version)

- Shotguns:

Remington 870

- Handguns:

Browning HP (loud and suppressed version)
Sig Sauer p226 (loud and suppressed version)

- Grenade Launcher:

Arwen 37 (with custom ammo for Flash/Cs/Sting/Baton)

All other weapons have been improved (reskinned and new sounds)



1. The suspects AI has been improved, now they are more reactive to any noise (running, gunfire, grenades, c2) and will be more aggressive, shooting when you open a door of a room where they are in, if you try to engage them directly they will crouch/take cover more often and if alerted they will run more than before searching for the best covering position.
Inside a building you can expect now to have multiple suspects running towards you alerted after just 1 bullet fired from your weapon or after a flashbang/c2, in most cases you won't have the suspects stucked at their spawn point, waiting the team assaulting the room where they are in because they will walk/patrol a lot now.
So if you choose a dynamic approach for a mission, expect that the suspects can come from every direction after you made loud noise.

2. Edited the aiming skills depending on the suspects type, you will see clearly that gangsters are less good with weapons than the organized terrorists.

3. Fixed the annoying bug of the instant-aim-kill from the suspects.

4. The AI will try to kill the hostages more often if threatened.

5. Many more changes applied to make the AI the most realistic/aggressive possible.


1. Increased the movement speed of the officers for faster clearing.

2. Tweaked the weapons handling for more accuracy when rushing into a room.

3. Removed the unrealistic and unfair advantage of the suspects when shooting with their weapons (before there was a 2x bonus of damage, now it is 1x so the bullets will cause their real damage to the officers, in other words if a suspect hits you with a pistol and jhp ammo in the chest you won't die if you wear the body armor)

4. Tweaked the lethality of your weapons, an headshot or 2 well fired bullets now will be enough to take down even the most fanatic terrorist.

5. Added the possibility to check if a door is locked without opening it by pressing a button.

6. Cutted at half the distance to open/close the doors so you can't do that in the unrealistic way which the game allowed in the original TSS, same thing for collecting evidences.

7. Now you have 3 wedges per slot.

8. Increased the noise made when you open a door, if a suspect is inside the room and near the door now he will be alerted and in most cases he will start shooting at it or taking cover.

9. Decreased the bomb timer in DoA and Hotel maps -> DoA from 14 to 11,3 minutes ; Hotel from 9 to 7,1 minutes

10. New crosshair, it's white and different in shape.

11. New sound for the flashbang explosion.

12. Retextured handcuffs, they are black now.

13. New vCommands for Door Locked/Unlocked and X-Ray Spotted, added new voices also for the "Clear" and "With You" commands.

14. The "Clear" command is now the default one in Responses sections instead of "Roger"

15. Switch back to primary weapons after deploying any tacaid.


1. Removed the standard gasmask.

2. Added 4 new head protections for officers: Balaclava, Googles, S10 Gasmask, S10 Gasmask + Kevlar Helmet

3. Added the GP5 Gasmask used only by the suspects.


1. New loading screens with SAS images

2. Revised the scoring system:

2a: No more penalties for "unauthorized kills"
2b: Increased the penalty for killing civilians
2c: Collecting evidences is NO MORE mandatory to complete the mission, it will ends when all people are cuffed and all tocs reported.

3. Fixed the widescreen bug, now you can use every resolution, even 1920*1080 without having blank boxes or missing text.

4. Removed the ammo counter from the HUD, you have now only the mags showed.

5. Custom skins coming with the mod, Red/Blue Team and SAS Mod Skin.

These are just the MAIN features of the SAS Mod, keep updated here and/or in the mod page at http://www.moddb.com/mods/sas-mod-v10-for-swat-4-expansion-tss for any news.


SAS_Trp_KeLLeR & |SOG|Franciswat
Mod developers


Raptor's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago

That sounds awesome! Can't wait to test it. The mod will be public so that AST may also host a server running this mod?

Still I would like to comment on a few points:


2. Tweaked the weapons handling for more accuracy when rushing into a room.

3. Removed the unrealistic and unfair advantage of the suspects when shooting with their weapons (before there was a 2x bonus of damage, now it is 1x so the bullets will cause their real damage to the officers, in other words if a suspect hits you with a pistol and jhp ammo in the chest you won't die if you wear the body armor)

4. Tweaked the lethality of your weapons, an headshot or 2 well fired bullets now will be enough to take down even the most fanatic terrorist.

2. You made the officers faster and the weapons more accurate at the same time? I have absolutely no practical experience with real weapons, but for me the vanilla swat aiming already feels realistic.

3. Huh, I never realized that in-game :oops:

4. Again I'm not an expert, and nothing against headshots. But people, especially fanatics, can be pretty much "bulletproof". Not sure if 2 hits are enough in real life to take every person down, especially when using a pistol.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

The mod will be public, of course you can install it in one of your servers.

Don't confuse "more accurate" with 100% accurate, the aiming error has been reduced a bit especially in the assault rifles, this adjustment doesn't mean that if you run into a room and you fire 6 bullets with your gun in auto fire-mode you will hit the target all 6 times, but if you slow slown down the aim recovery is faster than before and it allows you to be "more accurate".
The real SAS officers are heavy trained on using guns and this explain why we deicided to make this modification Wink

About the 4th point, i wrote 2 "well fired" bullets, i mean one hit to the chest and one headshot or 2 in the chest (many times you hit the arms instead of chest). Real SAS officers are trained to use the "Double Tap" with their MP5 or Handgun, this consist in 2 bullets fired very fast because as you know the 9mm bullets are not so lethal (especially against armoured suspects), with the double tap there aren't men who can survive, you talk about "bulletproof suspects", well i don't know how bulletproof can be a man who receive a bullet in his chest and another in the head at almost the same time Blum 3


Raptor's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago

Ofc a headshot is almost always lethal. But beside that wound ballastic is pretty complex.

With "bulletproof" I meant that most hits won't take down the tango immediately. The main physiological effect of the bullet is blood loss, which takes time to have an effect. And a psychological effect may be almost none existing: a tango pumped up with adrenaline (or drugs) may not even recognize that he is hit.
But as already said I'm not an expert or doctor or something, just read somethings about it here: http://www.firearmstactical.com/tactical.htm (2nd point "wound balistic"; leading to http://www.firearmstactical.com/hwfe.htm ).
[sidenote: for me the most impressive statement there was, that even after a direct hit of the heart the target might stay combat-ready for up to 8 seconds before bloodloss takes him down.]

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

I read those documents and i especially liked the 2nd one, you are not wrong...of course many factors can determine the instant incapacitation of a subject after being hit by 1 bullet to the torso but in a game like swat 4 there aren't parameters for every type of suspects, there is instead a list of the body parts that can be hit from bullets and these valors are valid for ALL characters in the game.

So when working on this modification, we had 2 possibilities:

1. leaving the bullets lethality as it is in the game with the chance to waste your mag against a suspect and seeing him still alive (neither injuried, this happens many times due to a bug in the damage system)

2. increasing the bullets lethality and in this way avoid that "bulletproof supertangos" can take 10 bullets and then kill you.

The second one of course is not realistic at 100% for all those psychological/physical reasons but we thought it was more realistic of the original settings.

Anyway thanks for your answers mate, those documents are really interesting, but unfortunately we are talking about a game of 6 years ago, if we were modding swat 5 so maybe we could follow at letter what described there, it would have been great Smile


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago

How does this mod affect normal vanilla gameplay? Assuming that the client has it installed does he need to uninstall it to play on a vanilla server?

From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
sas mod

Good job guys. Cheers

So many changes for a 1st release of the all new mod and only two of you are working on its development. Looks promising and I can see this one growing even bigger over time.

My favorites will most definitely be the MP5k SD, the double tap and super-ai fix. Biggrin

I also like that you did few HUD tweaks, and that the AI is a lot harder.

Seems like this mod will add a lot more fun to the already overplayed and drained out vanilla Swat 4 TSS Smile

2. You made the officers faster and the weapons more accurate at the same time? I have absolutely no practical experience with real weapons, but for me the vanilla swat aiming already feels realistic.

3. Huh, I never realized that in-game Embarassed

4. Again I'm not an expert, and nothing against headshots. But people, especially fanatics, can be pretty much "bulletproof". Not sure if 2 hits are enough in real life to take every person down, especially when using a pistol.

Raptor. Some weapons have big recoil and are very hard to handle under repeated fire such as MAC10 or UZI, while some are designed in such a way that they maintain low recoil even under heavy fire and act sort of like you are beaming a laser. Some examples include the modified versions of M4A1 CCOd specifically modified for stealth and long range precision, or the German G36K with silencers. A game like Swat 4 can go toward realism as much as its engine allows it to, and it's an old game so there are limitations. Take a look at ArmA 2's recoil and stress system, it's definitely unique and one of a kind, but it's a game developed in 2010.

It's true that some people can survive even after their vital organs are damaged, our bodies are amazing when it comes to impact tolerance and survivability, but not everyone is fit to be a "superman" Some people can take just 1 hit to their body and die from bleeding while other, probably more trained, individuals can take up to 40 9mm FMJ shells, specially if they weight above average person. Body mass, muscle and tissue complexity and stress tolerance among many other factors play key role in who can take more and who less of the damage, all of which is sadly not yet computable even in the 2012 released games as those tasks would require technology not available to 3rd party gamers.

I'm not a professional in this field either, but I did some reading few years ago when I wanted to create few mini mods for some of my favorite games so me and my friends can have some fresh fun at LAN parties. Blum 3

From what I saw and read so far, SAS mod will be great compared to the SSF and 11-99 mods that took years to make them the way they are today.

I'm definitely looking toward pwning some suspects in MP with SAS mod installed :ninja

Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide

Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago

Actually, technically it should ve called SAS mod v2.

We worked on a mod, way back in 2006. But im not complaining

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago

Thank you for bringing detail to our attemption but I do not see any reason supporting a version changing.

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Little question: this SAS MOD will support all type of maps (standards, customs, RMX, etc)?

If yes (and i hope so), i suggest , for those who have not yet done, download and install this maps.

- RMX maps are here on forum:
Forum -> SAS related topics -> Sticky: SWAT / RMX-Maps

- The package custom maps should be here:
Homepage -> Armoury -> Files -> Swat 4 files -> Swat 4 maps

(i am sorry but i can't find the file there... -.- help me please) Sad

There are also new maps? :roll:

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
sas mod

Slim, you can get all maps from globalswatforce.com map packs.

I guess they removed map downloads so that they make room for the SAS mod Smile

Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

Of course the mod will support all custom maps and i can say "especially" RMX maps because with the more aggressive AI these maps will be even more challenging due to the higher number of suspects. Dirol

