Ekstremesportveko is celebrating its 10th anniversary in Voss, 2 hrs from Bergen.
Kayaking, rafting, big air, base, skydiving and much more.
Check out their website: http://www.ekstremsportveko.com/
You will find some cool videos and pictures containing high level of adrenalin.
Have a nice summer everybody, Ill be offline during my vacation to Denmark.
Hey Ambuman
good to see that you like ekstremsport so mutch that you want to stay in Denmark for your vacation. And the ekstrem vacation is "power drinking" T-beer and C-beer and clashing with ekstrem (whooooa looking chicks)
Well Ghost, the only extreme I’m doing these days, is raising my 3 boys. They are 2, 4, and 6 years old, and that is quite a challenge.
But some time to taste and hopefully consume Carlsberg and Tuborg, is at its place
hehe i like some of these sports. I do in last time one of this. But the rest i think is a bit to heavy for me.