Hope Members SAS_JB and SAS_EZbasr are okay with the terrible Storms and Tornadoes they just went through....
Looked pretty bad on the News, was thinking of them the entire time!!!
Storms in Tenn...
Wed, 06/02/2008 - 14:46
Storms in Tenn...
Yeah i saw that hope your roofs are still on guys!!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Howdy! Yes we had a load of them things but right here in Dickson we got LUCKY! Was a bit on the nervous side out here in the country last night, right below us they got hit purty bad, Around 50+ tornadas or straight line winds bouncin around up to a half a mile wide, this morning they have so far found 48 killed and over a 100 injured and they are still digging to find more. They are still counting the homes that have been wiped out from that.
We sure feel for the ones down there in Jackson area cause they got it bad, Our prayers are with them.
Glad you two didn't go with the wind. I heard nothing good about things over in Memphis this morning
Yes I agree with ya Spidey, From Memphis up to I-40 in Hickman county took a bad beating. I think JB came close to getting caught out in it on a call out.