Hey i recently tryed to start up Ravenshield it was all fine as long as it played the intro videos. The Ubisoft video and the one with 1945 at its beginning.
after i clicked both of them away, i got sent right back to the desktop to see this message:
OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2675 MHz with 767MB RAM
Video: RADEON 9500 PRO / 9700 (6648)
General protection fault!
History: ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Since it is a protection fault i might tell you that i just downloaded a test version of Zone Alarm, and uninstalled the Avira Antivir Personal Edition.
I re installed the game already, but without any effect. I have no idea what else i could try to solve this problem, so i ask you.
thank you for all your endeavours.
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
Well, translated to normal people's speach, here's what is sais: Buy and play SWAT4 TSS
Try updating these drivers:
ATI catalyst
I had that problem to. Tried to get help from UBI, but got a crappy answer.
I am trying to remember what i did to fix this, but can't remember. Think I reinstalled Rvs... and updated my drivers
Keep on playing Rvs LOL
What ever you do Caern don't switch to another game. Stay with us and play Rvs.
I tried to play TSS on my laptop at work today. But the machine shut down after a few minuttes in the game. Happend every time.
Usually, I get those messages during startup after I had some crash of some sort (my windows' minidumps reveal that half of them are caused originally from starting rvs). That's because usually some kind of config file gets messed up.
Try deleting ../system/ravenshield.ini - if that doesn't help, try seeing other .ini files if they are truncated. The game will autocreate them if they aren't found.
If all fails, then it's easier to re-install the game
The time that situation happened to me it was caused by spyware. Try running Spybot and/or Ad-aware. After doing that my game went back to normal.
The RvS people are really starting to feel the SWAT pulling...
Alright, striking Balance:
- reinstalled Rainbox Six - Ravenshield ... check
- updated ATI Catalyst ... check
- updated DirectX ... check
- deleted ravenshield.ini ... check
- ran Spybot S&D ... check
- ran Zone Alarm Anti-Spyware ... check
- cleaned out registry using TuneUp Utilities ... check
- cleaned disks out using TuneUp Utilites ... check
- defragmented registry using TuneUp Utilities ... check
-> tried to start game, got issues with a critical error "Failed to initialize 3d Hardware on your system. Make sure DirectX 8.1b or greater is installed." reupdated with directX 9.0c for the second time. deleted ravenshield.ini again -> still no function. same error as before.
-> uninstalled and reinstalled the game to a different partition
all without any effect. => failed to initialize 3D hardware on your system. Make sure DirectX 8.1b or greater is installed.
Adding to all those in the above now. Not one other game is possible to start up. All have problems with the 3D driver. But i updated them multiple times. last intel i got on the problem is that my Ati chips werent capable of DirectX 9.0c; i got told that by Miss Lara Croft....-> now im lost...
I couldnt update the Mainboard Drivers because i dont know what drivers i need to search. i dont know where to do so....
- thought about turning over to SWAT, but I dont want to lose a great game
... check
Im pretty lost now, i dont know anything else i could do anymore.
Thank you for any help!
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
Download: Ravenshield Intro Skipper
Try it out, it might help.
I used to get stucked in the RedStorm intro movie and this little program fixed it. But I have had no luck with RvS ever since I got my new system, I think the game struggles with new graphiccards in general.
My system:
nVidia GTX 8800 768MB (ForceWare 158.22)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6700
Kingston 4GB Ram
Creative Soundcard.
Download a no-cd crack for ravenshield.exe. That might help. It worked for me when I had a similar problem with RvS two years ago.
Feeling swat pulling??? No, but had my first hour on the server today, LOL
Dang recon thats a hard core gaming boxen ! LOL
If all else fails you might try rolling back the ATI drivers . DirectX 9.0C requires Windows 98 or newer. And hardware support for DirectX is, well forced upon the manufacters. I'd think even really crappy Intel cards have HW support for DX.
If your graphics card is not capabile of running DirectX 9.0c, your graphics card must be old as the hills. And would probably be hard pressed to run games like MW2 or Doom II or your still using Windows 95.
pb likes to kick you for using no-cd cracks (unless you hack pb?) although TG1 is without pb right now (which is nice for me who has many crashes from it...)
Afaik your video card is a r300 based card which should support specific dx9 features -- though RvS requires 8.
Did you also use the 1.60 patch after you installed each time? I remember early RvS builds were very buggy. And still is. But not as bad. (I think the best one was 1.56 though)
Wooohoooo 8O , all the above and Spidey's last tip did the trick.
Thank you guys!
I really appreciate your help!
:arrow: See you on the Training Ground #1 soon
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
Good... Good.
TG1 is the place
Hehe, So Rouge, get back here and recruit som more Rvs people to TG1