Strangely enough, scientists have actually tested the effect of drugs on spiders.
And if you ask, why would anyone do that, the answer sounds quiet astonishing: " ... The initial motivation for the study was a request from (...) zoologist H. M. Peters, to shift the time when garden spiders build their webs from 2am-5am, which apparently annoyed Peters, to earlier hours... ".
Nice to see some on-topic scientific footage in this forums. Keep it up
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
I laughed rare in such a way. at the beginning I thought it was a nature documentary film.
I have seen a number of these spider on drug videos and photos, but this was hands down the funniest.
Some body Stomp that thing before it gets away!!!
I think Spidey has something to say to that
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
ROFLMBO at the marijuana and alcohol spiders!
I almost fell off of my chair when I saw the marijuana spider lol
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
That was toooooooo funny
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Haha... didn't expect the humour in this one. Thought it was a bloody serious documentary.
It would be if they got around me, I have arachniphobia big time.
Yet you can play RvS with a 160lbs Spider for a team mate?
Strangely enough, scientists have actually tested the effect of drugs on spiders.
And if you ask, why would anyone do that, the answer sounds quiet astonishing: " ... The initial motivation for the study was a request from (...) zoologist H. M. Peters, to shift the time when garden spiders build their webs from 2am-5am, which apparently annoyed Peters, to earlier hours... ".
Now, that is what i call a SERIOUS PROBLEM lol.
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
that information on wiki sounds like its legit but i tend not to trust everything on wiki, and yeah that is a SERIOUS PROBLEM.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.