I finally did it.
I have 15 Honor from playing with Rasa and on some team work servers.
And I just passed the last part of SF Training in the game so I'm not stuck as an Indig any more
I finally did it.
I have 15 Honor from playing with Rasa and on some team work servers.
And I just passed the last part of SF Training in the game so I'm not stuck as an Indig any more
I think what Relish is trying to say is...
Spidey, what the hell are u talking about?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
It is like you can read my mind Wiz. Amazing.
You see gentlemen, spidey is happy because he has finally passed the 15 honor point milestone in America's Army: Operations, which will allow him to participate on the Special Forces servers. He has passed his Escape and Evasion test as well as his Special Forces knowledge exam, and he no longer has to play as the Indigenous Forces on SF Maps.
Translation Completed:
So Spidey joined the army?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
The part about ID'ing stuff I aced first try years ago back when it was first added.
No Wiz, I'm still [SAS]
Im very lost
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
basicaly he finished teh SP part of americas army. in AA the SP part has a direct impact on the multiplayer. depending on how far you get in SP depends on what servers you can join and play on
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
exacty what Shield said sp is just training (weapons, CQB, Sniper, Ranger, specop, e.t.c.) online is human vs. human missions. And to play those missions you have to complete the SP Training.
So if I wanted to do a mission as a Ranger I'd have to pass Airborne and Ranger Schools
So u cannot join by IP if u do not have the required badges?
unlike 99.9% of other games?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I was lost, but now I'm found.
Basically, to play AA multiplayer, you have to have basic training: marksmanship, obstacle course....
To play more advanced maps, you need to pass special forces training, which is a bitch. (How long did you take for E&E, Spidey?)
To play as a sniper, you need to pass your basic marksmanship with a score above 38, and then you need to do 2 sniper tests.
As a medic, you need to take first aid courses.
I have passed all training and can play that game too.. I like it.. but tend to get owned !
It is a good format for team work.. but alas it too is an adversarial game... although it is free !
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
About 30-45 min.
Hem... I took 4 hours.
I love this game. I've completed every facet of training, from Basic Marksmanship (39/40 Targets Hit), to E & E (Escape and Evasion- 34:28). Right now I am playing RvS, but I'll have to get back into this sometime, and get my honor to 22, i only have 145 points left to go! I'm also pretty proud of my shoot house times: 1 minute and 13 seconds with all bad guys killed and no friendly fire incidents, 92 percent accuracy. Oh, and the sniper qualification is an Expert Marksmanship Badge, for which you must only hit 36/40 targets, controlled breathing is the key.
EDIT: Re-ran the shoot house just for you spidey: 1 minute 2 seconds, all OPFOR eliminated, zero friendly fire, and 98 percent accuracy. Take that!
Little slow me thinks Merge on that shoot house.
I drew my self a map Rasa
Thats how I finally found out where the 3rd Obj was.
i cant pass the sf e and e training any tips and do i need medic training too?
When you go through E and E, you have to go slow, and be VERY aware of the enemy positions. I reccomend going prone the entire way, as it is the least detectable by the OPFOR. Take your time and always look for an alternate route. If you think you have been spotted, then freeze and slowly make your way back to safer ground. Also, stay at the lowest points in the land to avoid sillouhetting yourself against the sky. If you do all this and take your time, you should pass no problem. It took me a few tries as well. But know that each time you reach an objective point, your progress will be saved so you won't have to start all the way back at the helo insertion.
Good Luck!
You can go fast crawl during the first parts most of the time, but after that you want to go slow crawl inless you have to beat the light.
In one spot ont he way from B to C you have got to cross a field /w a guard tower on the left above some bolders/bushes. And one to the right on a far hill.
Get to the first bolder, wait for the light to pass you; then fast crawl into the bush, stop when it comes by again - wait for it go to past then beline it to the next bush and slow crawl away to C.
Thats the hardest part, other wise if u use ur head it's fine. Gamefaqs has a good walkthrough if you print it out.