I am not a fan of tattoos myself and know what word Hunter is talking about. What I don't like personally are unimaginative Tribal things on the back. Its often seen in combination with sloppy clothes and badly chosen makeup. So these kinds of tattoos have a stigma and are not really considered body art.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
well just think i dont think their cool hip or even just to make me look like a bad a$$ i have drawn each tattoo on me and carfuly placed each one to wrap with my body none of them are exposed in any way unless i take off my shirt
if i want to show them off ill do just so but if i cant hide it so that it dosnt interfear with my work then it will not be apart of my skin
some people think its bad some think its cool everyone is intitled to an opinion.
Tattoos don't bother me much, although I don't care for them personally (it's just not my bag). The only thing that freaks me out, is standing next to someone with enough tats to make him or her, the perfect mark for a sniper to shoot at, when I'm trying to be an inconspicuous fellow :-P.
As long as you don't get a dirty word tattooed on your forehead or something like that, everything is fine as far as [SAS] is concerned
yeah I'm Bosnian I'm also thinking of getting a tattoo something like a 'fleur de lise" or sword and shield with a "fleur de lise" incorporated on the shield.
Nice pattern, that must have killed
If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not a notice.
...and its not even a frog, is it?
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
amazing - nice tatoo there frogger!
Ok that is just sooooo awesome!! There's other wording I'd like to use but can't
Enjoy the pain
Not my taste
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I'd say that tatoo is worth the pain and well worth the $220, looks good.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Dang there Frog, I say Ouch just lookin at that, I couldnt handle it myself, Shoot I run when my doctor comes out with a Dart.
Cara :arrow:
I don't think I should say what I'm thinking, so I'll just say, enjoy lol.
Remembers me of a damn hot blonde with a tribal-tattoo on her entire tail...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Rub a Saveloy over it that should help
Gotta hate the tramp stamp
Nice tattoo Frogger, I hope you thought this one through!
Oh Jesus
Tats arent a good thing mate.
Too late now. Spawn could you slap his back for me lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I love tattoos!
Yes, as a number in the ear of a dog, cat or cow.
We got some bad words for tattoos on the back of girl, but i wont tell here
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Not really sure why Hunter.. not seen in a negative light any place I've been so far.
Lol Hunter
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
I am not a fan of tattoos myself and know what word Hunter is talking about. What I don't like personally are unimaginative Tribal things on the back. Its often seen in combination with sloppy clothes and badly chosen makeup. So these kinds of tattoos have a stigma and are not really considered body art.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I never got the point in tattoos.
Just to make yourself feel tougher? To express your toughness to others? To put on a $220 dragon t-shirt that you can never take off?
I just don't get it.
PS and yes trampstamp tattoos are waaay to common lol
well just think i dont think their cool hip or even just to make me look like a bad a$$ i have drawn each tattoo on me and carfuly placed each one to wrap with my body none of them are exposed in any way unless i take off my shirt
if i want to show them off ill do just so but if i cant hide it so that it dosnt interfear with my work then it will not be apart of my skin
some people think its bad some think its cool everyone is intitled to an opinion.
Tattoos don't bother me much, although I don't care for them personally (it's just not my bag). The only thing that freaks me out, is standing next to someone with enough tats to make him or her, the perfect mark for a sniper to shoot at, when I'm trying to be an inconspicuous fellow :-P.
As long as you don't get a dirty word tattooed on your forehead or something like that, everything is fine as far as [SAS] is concerned
Depends on the age, for most people in my age it is no no. I hate tattoos and dont like piercings.
Looks fine if you are young, hopefully a ladybeetle didnt convert to a dung beetle when people gets older
On a piercing you can stop carrying it, a tattoo stays on (i know there are ways with a laser but then it is still visible).
A tattoo only looks good if the owner refresh it from time to time, but most people i have seen didn't do that.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Looks fine if you are young, hopefully a ladybeetle didnt convert to a dung beetle when people gets older
Lol Hunter
Give him one....or make it two from me aswell!
I have a great tip to make it last longer, rub in fling salt and then rince off with alcogel.
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MB, what an idea ROTFL
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
nice tattoo man, im planning on getting one myself once my chest fills out a little more, im asian so i was thinking some sort of arabic design.
yeah I'm Bosnian I'm also thinking of getting a tattoo something like a 'fleur de lise" or sword and shield with a "fleur de lise" incorporated on the shield.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
fling salt are you nuts! that would hurt 3X worse then now lol MB you trying to put me in more pain! lol
Hmmm - wish, Spawn would have crossed ur back b4 doing this. If u get older the dragon will hang down ur ass ...
@ Hunter: if some1 would try to paint such a thing on our back, he would need 4 weeks hehe
Who??? Me?? Naaaaah :roll:
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