Should I train before I play?

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Should I train before I play?

I submitted an application yesterday and as I understood it, I was to join one of your servers to play with SAS for at least a week before I would be considered for anything. I went on the server and notified the highest ranking member that I had applied. After I was on, I realized there is another server for teaching tactics. Should I go to this server (IP before I go to any other? I tried to join but server did not respond (and of course the original server is now full). Thanks for any help.

Last seen: 18 years 9 months ago

At the moment we are only running the one server.
[SAS] Training Ground 1 for RVS
You were at the right one

See you in the server.

only those who will IMAGE(

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

Ah, but that was pbb a public Teamspeak server we were using, so that everyone could join in on the training.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

technically if you play on our server and try to play liek we do that can be considered training

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago

I strongly recommend learning how to use your Teamspeak for when you get on next. (Read the Readme file) If you don't have Teamspeak you can get it at It is a wonderfully helpful tool in your quest. Mess around with the settings, get your mic activation button somewhere accessible and not being used by Ravenshield. (I have 5 mousebuttons, and have it set for mouse 4, since ravenshield doesn't use mouse 4 or 5) I remember seeing you on, and you were eager to learn, and participate, now you just need to learn how. Good luck, and wish me the same. I'm hoping to hear from them before too long.


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Play on the server and train with us Smile Simple.

I strongly recommend learning how to use your Teamspeak for when you get on next. (Read the Readme file) If you don't have Teamspeak you can get it at It is a wonderfully helpful tool in your quest. Mess around with the settings, get your mic activation button somewhere accessible and not being used by Ravenshield. (I have 5 mousebuttons, and have it set for mouse 4, since ravenshield doesn't use mouse 4 or 5) I remember seeing you on, and you were eager to learn, and participate, now you just need to learn how. Good luck, and wish me the same. I'm hoping to hear from them before too long.

I personally reccomend Control or Alt or Space bar or mouse 3 (pushing in the wheel). But I always use custom controls (including Change Rate of Fire on middle mouse) so it dosn't work for everyone.