Today I warmly welcome a new SAS Rct.
Timbo will now be known as [SAS]_Rct_Timbo.
Congratulations my friend, now the hard parts starts. Work hard, learn all what you can and the most important have fun with us!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
well done timbo; congrats
Congrats ... welcome to the road to hell
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
welcome to the selection course mate you earned,keep up the awesome good work and we will all asist you
Well done m8. And congrats
Just pop in to TG1 and we'll help you, the hard work starts now they say, and thats true. But also lots of fun and very good games
YAY timbo! great job man!
Congratulations Timbo, welcome to the Selection Course
The road to the Mighty lays before you, best start going for it hehe.
congrats to you
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Hey Timbo congrats,
Now Pitman is no longer lonely lol
Timbo my man.
Congrats with the tags.
Hope to catch you for a game soon my friend.
Welcome to the selection course Timbo, or as Medic calls you: his favorite bimbo. Anyways, congrats, and hope to see you on the server(TG1)
Welcome, Timbo.
Respect bimb... ehhhh... Timbo. A real MAN he is....... Timbo you know what I mean LOL
Congratulations, Timbo
Good to have you here...
...and welcome to the selection-course!
Celebrate a last big party...
...I'll see you on the Training Ground
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey, Timbo. Good to see that someone thinks you're worth keeping around.
Good luck in the Selection Course!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome to hell week. It wont be easy, but the fruits taste nice.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Nicely done Timbo
Welcome to the SC and hopefully all goes good n well for ya
Good work. Now you are in the competent hands of our NCOs...
Welcome to the selection course "the man that changes name as I changes my ........) .
Anyways, congrats to you. It is now that the hard work starts. remember to train hard. learn the tactics and get pointers from the Troopers.
I hope to see you on TG1.
Well done Timbo...........
hope to see you in the fields of battle soon.
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Well Done Timbo!
Congrats on the tryout. See you on TG3
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Congratulations Recruit
Welcome to the Selection Course the Hard work starts here
Train Hard and fight Easy ........lad
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome Rct and have a good time in trainings.
See ya online soon.

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran