Please offer your comments of support and greetings to our newest selectee to enter the Selection Course.
Good Luck Canuck, the training will be hard, long and very detailed. Study hard, practice often and remember... only the best are chosen to wear the [SAS] uniform.
You are not a member as of yet, but you are getting closer.
Take the opportunity to read the postings inside the 'Selection Course' forum and abide by them always. Inside that Forum you will see a Thread with your name on it.. this is a place for you to ask questions of the membership on any topics you seek clarification. You are directed to start reading all Tactical documents you can find on our website... for you WILL be tested on your knowledge of what they contain.
Again, welcome to the selection course. The easy part is over... the challenge yet to begin.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Welcome to the selection course Canuck.
Thats the easy part done with..getting selected to enter the training.
You have heard of 'hell week'?.. This is 2 weeks.
Read, Read, Read.. post post post. TRain TRain TRain.
and when you have done all that...u guessed.. Do some more.
All eyes are upon you, some more obvious than others, stay cool, stay calm.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Congratulation Canuck!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Welcome to the Selection Course Canuck, you have much to prove.
Served: 06/06/06 - 24/04/07
Welcome to the S-Course Canuck, now to the killhouse fast as lighting ! ^_^
Congratulations on the first step on your path to the SAS. Your personal drill instructor will be appointed shortly, and we will all follow your progress closely.
I emphasise the need for weekly reporting in the forums.
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Well done canuck . Now get to training.
Congratulations, Canuck. Nice choice of name. Now I have to come up with something else derogatory to call you.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome Canuck!
Congrats and welcome to the selection course!
Congrats Canuck
Congrats Canuck! Best wishes with Training, hope to see u round servers
crngrats mate
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
VGJ Canuck, congrats
Congrats, eh!
Welcome Canuck!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
welcome aboard its about time hope to first once see you on the forums and in game
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
thanks everyone for the warm welcome, hope i can earn it.
have played with some of you and hope to see the others soon.