I was in the States one day and I noticed this store. OMG!!
Needless to say I just had to buy a pair. Now I'm ready to play with ya all.
Got my SAS shoes and now I can sneak around just as good as SAS.
LOL ~!
Whats funnier is the weightwatchers store next to it.
(just another stereotype)
8O well i didnt know they had a side business
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
so what are SAS shoes like then
and snipe how come your so intrested in the weight watchers store
So now we know where all the boots of the ex-SAS go ...
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
HAha , nice one B=)
Thought you all would get a good laugh over that.
LOL, I just saw another one here in Southern California.
California? All i have is the usual Payless
LOL very nice
Special Air Shoes.... Made in the UK...
really? THat is intrigueing
I would like a pair or two of those shoes. Do they come in all sizes?
Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran