Came across this on youtube today, thought it was funny
And Para... seems you're right, there ARE fighting men without pants on 8O
Came across this on youtube today, thought it was funny
And Para... seems you're right, there ARE fighting men without pants on 8O
Indeed, its the modern Shock troops so to speak.
Plus, its a tactic that makes you significantly faster, so its not what you think...
Also, "This video is not allowed in your country due to copyright...."--->Youtube, way to sell out...sigh
Si vis pacem, para bellum
"He did not flee at Uppsala, but slaughtered as long as he had a weapon."
I think it's blocked in your country because they don't want to encourage you
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Vikings dont watch musicals

Si vis pacem, para bellum
"He did not flee at Uppsala, but slaughtered as long as he had a weapon."
Way to Amarillo - pretty cool one
I had some nights in the past where exactly this video was playing about a dozens times in a row.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
I'm so happy to know that TAX payer money is being put to good use, Shalalalalalalala...
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Being shot at will do things to your mind.
Sure! Why not. Vikings have laid cities to ash without that much reason
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That is one way to get rid of some stress,lol.
Indeed... I just have to wonder who within [SAS] would like to participate in a similar vid for us all to laugh at periodically?
I can see a couple members already...
I cant view that vid.
Probably cause I'm a MAN and dont watch musicals?????
Oh soldier suck it up!! ;p
i don't watch musicals, but i made an exception cause SAS_Cara always has some funny clips to show
it's always funny to see macho tough guys in an army singing to music that sounds like it came from the "Brady Bunch"
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Whats wrong with some of our British Soldiers putting public funds to good use.
On 1 tour in Kosovo when i was a young LCpl, we was playing a game on how many grenades it took to blow the petrol tank on a car.
Lots of fun !
The answer was 4 thrown in the boot !
After six grenades wasted............Priceless !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Suppose you get paid all day no matter what u get up 2
That is one of my all time favourites!!!
I love it!
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Sometimes the boys gotta do what the boys gotta do! NOTHING wrong with half-naked (or dressed) army boys having a bit of fun