RvS, Swat 4 or Rainbow Vegas?

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Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
RvS, Swat 4 or Rainbow Vegas?

Well i just had to know what you guys think about RvS, Swat 4 and Rainbow Vegas, so what game do you think that is the best (And do you think rainbow Vegas will get any better)?

Personally i think it would be RvS for all that planing, but Swat 4 could also be fun for its little action and Vegas...i dont think it would be a good game for tactics since the videos shows alot action and not so much planing, but surely for relaxing or stuff i think.

Fire at will!

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago

Guess what I voted...


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

RvS, I think its better then SWAT4 even though I'd rather play SWAT4 hehe.

SWAT3 is the best game in my humble opinion though muhauaha !

I've not played Vegas but I have no intention of buying it, especially not without a Demo.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

RVS. What about console games? or am i the only one who plays them..

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

ya wheres SWAT3 in VOTE?>?!?! 8O

i did fall madly in love with S3 some time ago...but now is dead Sad Wink

i thought id like S4 better than RVS but have been playin it and its a little more fastpaced and dynamic which I kinda like, plus harder AI for the most part xcept for ridiculous john wayne behind the bak shots that happen as in s4 usually 2..., only problem on RVS i think is the lack of serious players and over-abundance of slappy's :? that ive seen wen playing.... Well except for all SAS of course Blum 3 lol

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

RVS. What about console games? or am i the only one who plays them..

Well im thinging about games that are good to use tactics in and well it is really the only games that can use so much tactics, but we can always bring Halo if you want Lol .... and sorry for not bringing swat 3 in it forgot it :roll:

Fire at will!

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago


You will struggle to find any game that forfills the whole package. you must remember how old this game is now. The gameplay, the options available and the administration functions are all....perfect. SWAT is good, it to me has many similarities in design to Rvs, but lacks the admin system that Rvs had.

After you consider all that, just look at the community behind Rvs. Even after years, it is still recruiting good players for us, there are still people making maps and mods. And more to the point the bloody game just wont die.
Who will be playing Vegas in 1 year from now? yet alone the 6 that Rvs has been about.

Long live Rvs

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I mihgt if it costs $5.99 Smile

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

Rvs for me, because

a. Swat 4 needs hours to load for me
b. low grafic card+ crappy conection = the map loading takes hours
c. even minimizing and maximiing the game takes hours for me
d. the S4 tangos just won't die when I shoot at them
e. many people on the servers go ltl and take away the fun

I'm just wondering why rasa hasn't posted here yet and maintained that S4 is better than Rvs. :?

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

Whats ltl?

Fire at will!

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago

Oh theese murderes RvS lads :roll: , what CAN I say. :roll:

And Im sure that good old Rasa will put a message in here Biggrin


Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

ltl = less than lethal

You can carry ltl weapon in S4.
If you go less than lethal you pick instead of a lethal gun like a MP5 a weapon which stuns, shocks or immobilizes the target. This weapons are f.i. a shotgun loaded with bean bag ammo or a tazer.

Bean bag ammo

As in S4 the main aim of the game is to capture the tangos alive you can make the tangos give up so that you can capture them with these ltl weapons.

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

So most people just kill instead of capture?

Fire at will!

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago

Xzaber>>on S4 we are an life saving force, so we try to arrest the suspect if possible

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

Hmmm that sounds good

Fire at will!

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

You have the dip sticks that kill every thing, tango, hostage, swat e.t.c.

Then you have the guys that use beanbag shotguns and pepperball guns (like a PAVA ball firing Paint Ball Gun.) and aresst every thing.

What ANNOYS me off is a lot of them don't even know what 'stack up' means nore have brains enough _NOT_ to stand infront of the door.

< RvS is good because such people die in 20 seconds xD Smile

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

exactly u almost wait for those doof's to get pumped full of lead for your own safety Lol

there needs to be like a massive S4 basic training movement for anybody who wants to participate in online Co-Op

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Yesss and make sure they don't learn any thing from the single player AI, sheesh.

The Intro on the Exp Pack alone is full of stuff that screams to me "Do this and you will get your self & team killed". At least it shows the Suspects using brain power...

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

for sure Spidey i totally agree :roll: the peeps that dont play in a somewhat reasonable mannner on Co-Op should defintely just be enforced to pay extra tribute money to all us legit gamers who actually put forth cerebral usage during games Cheers

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago

What I don't like about RvS is the actual game play:

1. there is a tango there, even if you can't see him due to poor corners in the maps
2. that yes, eventually the map will render the tangos...it might not be until after he has shot you dead....but yes he will eventually render
3. understand that death will come from the hair and eyes of the tango
4. the only reason why the tangos even carry guns is in order for them to make loud reload actions that give you a chance to kill them when they are done shooting at you.
5. when leaning through doorways, even though your cross-hairs are firmly planted on the tangos forehead, you will still expend your entire magazine into the door jamb.
6. Your character runs as if he were carrying no equipment at approximately the speed of an NFL wide receiver.
7. people complain about the SWAT tango quick-draw feature but RvS tangos consistently kill within .5 secs of seeing their eyes. At least in swat the guy usually gives you verbal indication the he will not give up just prior to you getting quick drawn.
8. the cumbersome v comm system that doesn't really give as many response options that you would like...it would not have been hard for them to have a room clearing menu for such things like bang and clear, frag and clear, breach bang and clear, etc....
9. tangos often die with 2 shots to the foot...you need not hit anything vital to kill the tangos...an arm or foot will do just as well as a headshot or center mass shot.
10. there is too little variation of tango location. I haven't played RvS in ages yet I still remember where all the tangos are.

What I don't like about SWAT game play:
1. the tangos can take too much abuse before they die and it's not consistent from one to the next...a headshot is a headshot no matter how motivated the tango is
2. the mission planning capability is awful, you need to have the map committed to memory and explain your plan in too much detail to run the operation. All this could be so easily fixed, I'm upset that the developers didn't add this in with a patch....to me this is the one reason why SWAT never beat RvS in popularity. Just a simple dry erase screen would have vaulted this game into #1.
3. the game loads way too slow....the time it takes to go even between two rounds of the same map is painful.

The reason I like SWAT over RvS now is the versatility of the game. You can play lethal or non-lethal. The expansion has voice comm, ability to split into two independently commanded elements. Optiwand and view port system. More detailed command interface. Replayability of the maps because tango locations are varied...yes you know where the spawn points are but the tangos aren't always in them. The tangos switch freely between cover, hide, patrol, flee, give up, shoot it out, etc. There are many more reasons but I'd rather play than list them.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Yeah, Random... I agree on those. Both RvS and SWAT4 have their positive and negative sides, pros and cons. There's a balance point. The people who prefer RvS tip over to that game, and opposite with the SWAT people.

I have for a long time been thinking about what could be the perfect tactical FPS: putting Ravenshield and SWAT4 and Konami's The Regiment, in a melting pot.

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

Ah i knew i forgot a game for the poll, The Regiment ofcourse. Doh me. :?

Fire at will!

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago

that game doesn't count because it wasn't good enough for world wide release....if it were good enough Konami would have wanted to make money with it and release it properly.

The release of The Regiment really puzzles me because it makes absolutely no sense at all. If anyone has a believable excuse as to why it wasn't properly released, float it up.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Because Tom Dick and Harry gamer wouldn't buy it. Shield, Random, En4cer, WIZ, and people that like realistic tactical fps's might.

Thats what, a $400,000,000 dollar lose?? If they made the worlds next Halo and shipped it world wide instead.

RvS did have a simple command interface in single player that allows you to issue simple orders, assuming you have strong cover or stealth advantages. It links move/open & grenade, and move/open & grenade & clear. With the ability to use the tacaids in your element. I never tried it online but I don't think they would've blessed us with it.

Still the best built in Commo I have ever seen has to be SWAT3, although it took a bit more learning. It had stuff for every thing and several customs to fill in the gaps. Without having to do it manually ala RvS/S4 keybinds.

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago

Many things have been said here and I have not much to ad, other then:

I enjoy small dozes of RVS for a change, but will always be a coopstyle swatter. And why?

Well, I like the ability to be in a role where I can try saving lives of suspects, civilains and deal with hostage situations in as good way as my skills, morale and ethics allow me. And I find Swat more into that then RVS.
Swat has placed to improve but hopefully the community give this important feedback to the creators, so it develops into an even better game.

Maybe we should not compare the games, but instead look at their advantages and see if the game suits the gamer and enjoy the ride from there...

(And Random, the loading really annoy me to... Really).

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran IMAGE(http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/0/lukascooper.png)

Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago


You will struggle to find any game that forfills the whole package. you must remember how old this game is now. The gameplay, the options available and the administration functions are all....perfect. SWAT is good, it to me has many similarities in design to Rvs, but lacks the admin system that Rvs had.

After you consider all that, just look at the community behind Rvs. Even after years, it is still recruiting good players for us, there are still people making maps and mods. And more to the point the bloody game just wont die.
Who will be playing Vegas in 1 year from now? yet alone the 6 that Rvs has been about.

Long live Rvs

Very well said.

When the Rainbow Six: Raven Shield MP and SP demos came out, I was at awe at how fun they were. At my age (around 12 or 13), I wasn't too interested in tactical play, but I thought the Multi-Player demo was perfect the way it was, even if it only had three measly maps. I played RVS MP Demo for about two years before I got the full game. After I got the game, I met a man who asked me to join him on America's Army; he was starting up a realism unit for it, and he taught me a lot of real world tactics that really helped the game. He started my love and passion for tactical gaming.

Out of all of the realism CQB games I've played; Raven Shield tops them all and will probably stay that way for years to come. I've always played the game tactically while in co-op modes; whether it's solo or with an element, or even sniper elements.

I was once a short-spanned regular on the _=IFF=_ server. One day I was playing, and I saw two guys participating as a team, so I took up rear gunner position and tagged behind. After a while they finally started to notice me and they invited me to their ventrilo server. They were a blast; they didn't enforce traditional tactics (or use them often) as I've hoped, and I've moved on now, but they're still great friends of mine and I really owe some of my dedication towards them. They also introduced me to the SAS server while they were looking for a RVS server for us to play on (we were in the mood for hostage rescue). I noticed a lot of teamwork going on in the SAS server, so I decided to visit it more often and I'm in love with it. Not the SAS server per-se, but Raven Shield and its community as a whole.

You have guys playing the game, and then you have guys that are playing the game the way its supposed to be. And you guys are the players that play it the way its supposed to be. Every time I visit the SAS server on RVS, it puts a smile on my face.

SWAT 3 was really annoying to play for me, although the command menu was really nice. I've played the SWAT 4 demo and I can pretty much say it's more like an RVS spinoff with the SWAT 3 team setup, loadout, command menu, etc. Though that was just the demo, so the full game will obviously be different (not that I care because I probably wouldn't enjoy it anyway). Vegas, in general, is more like a showoff of graphics and nothing more. After Rainbow Six: Letdown, the whole franchise has been going downhill, and I assume it'll stay that way until it transfers back over to the realistic Rainbow Six style it was known and loved as (through Rainbow Six to Raven Shield and its expansions).

Raven Shield, in my opinion, is still the top dog, and one of the best (and most balanced) games I've ever played in my life. And to make it even more great; it's a blast to play on the SAS server.


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Thank you 5omeone, I don't think this merry little teams ever been so complimented for a long time Smile

The S4 full game is more or less like the demo but with more maps and game modes. One thing I like about RvS is its great fun despite the bugs.

Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago

One thing I like about RvS is its great fun despite the bugs.

What bugs? Biggrin

... No, but seriously, what bugs? The flaw with the AI sometimes being extremely aggressive or safe (late reactions despite not being on Recruit, or if aggressive, more like Elite) isn't really a bug since it barely happens... And everything else that happens to players is pretty much exploits.

You have the occasional UBI bug and stuff, but it's really nothing big. Please explain to me/us what you mean by that. Thankyee.


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Heh, I could rant a volume about that Smile

All I'll say, is I don't mind getting blown up on my own accord. But when its the games error or a jaw dropping how the freaking heck is that possible even in unreal engines kind of movement. I ether laugh my self silly or tend to be annoyed.

The moments when you slice the pie round a portal. Clear on the left, so you keep slicing to check the right side - behind the corner. Then all of a sudden a tango becomes visable on your left, (where you just visually cleared) no longer in your firing arc. Shoots you because he was there the whole time but you couldn't see him till you were exposed. Or when a pair of eyes behind a box put a SPAS-12 in you when the only way that shot could get from the muzzle to your face is through the box but it really was fired _over_ the box. Its things like that that piss me off ! e.t.c.

but generally the fun and good qualities compared t some other games out weigh the bad parts.

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago

I'm a RavenShield man, and Proud of it. Dirol

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