Alias name, Spawn (actually Spidy, but changed it cause Spidey)...
Played alot with RVS awhile ago, say a year...
Had alot of other issues that were personnel and could not fulfill Clan obligations. Interested in rekindling those RVS Times.
I play alot of RVS, but seriously...Its No Fun unless its with TeamWork.
Do Not like Lonwolf Style and prefer to learn SAS Tactics.
e-mail is
have TS will travel....familiar with some Tactics as I played with several of you before. Thanks for concidering this, waiting to hear...
Kevin aka Spawn
Hello Spawn, Spidy and Kevin...
I remember all 3 of you
... I enjoyed playing with you... come on back to RVS TG # 1 and lets start playing again....
We also have TG # 3 which plays SWAT 4 TSS if you see it laying on a shelf in the local computer store... it is worth getting...
So come show us what you remember... and we will help you with what you forgot !
Remember if your serious about joining... we are always looking... but you have some homework to do !

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Nice to see you pop back in, now let see if you last, catch ya on the servers
I was wondering how often we would get to use those two emotes muahuaha !
WOW..Thanx for the quick responses, I was apprehensive as I wasnt sure how this would be taken...
I will grab the SOP's and brush-up on my..Slicing-the-pie or whatever that is....
Welcome back Spawn.
Are you currently a member of another clan?
That is why I didnt commit myself last time...
I am a Clan Leader of a current Clan. }PhantomWarfare{
A year ago, I liked playing games the rest of the Clan did not...RVS and GR
Now the entire Clan plays CoD4, Tiger Woods 2008, BF2, BF2142 and soon Crysis..
I do not care for these games much as Team Work is lost and everyone is just out for the Kill...I prefer TeamWork and actually like Co-Op Play better then Matching. AI Don't cheat (much) and you build relationships with the people you play with.
So I have resigned my position as a Clan Admin. but remain on Staff to handle disputes as a Clan Council Member and Treasurer. All other Clan Responsibilities have been relinquished.
So...long story short, I wanted to play SAS Tactics in RVS to see how much I remember. The members I met here were really nice and greeted me in as a friend. Rouge, Spidey, Leon, En4cer..were all very helpful and Im back for more and should this work out, I can commit to a Lowly Position...
btw, on PW Website, I am Spidy. Have been for 7 years. I changed to Spawn to avoid confussion with Spidey01
Understood Spawn,
FYI... Dual membership is not permitted if the clan you belong to plays our two Official Games (RVS & SWAT 4). If the day comes that PW plays the same official games as [SAS], then you have a choice to make... us or them...
Rest assured, if you are unable to make that choice, we certainly are !
[SAS] recognizes that there are many games out there that we have not adopted as Official Team games. You are free to belong to gaming organizations that play those games in any capacity you choose. Once any other organization adopts / plays RVS or SWAT 4.. and you belong to both us and them... you have a decision to make... even if you yourself do not play the games with them... the fact that the clan does... and you belong to it... is enough to envoke our Dual Membership Rule.
Ye hav bin' advised !!!
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Completly Understood...and again, this Duel Membership Rule is what kept me from making the commitment a Year ago. So I totally Understand!
Now who wants to race to the shoot house?
may i just be the first to state, that a post in the forums is not an application to join.
Believe it or not, guys..there is a huge bold link on your left.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Paper pusher... Kill Joy.... we were on a role... and you had to go and ground us....
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Application Submitted as suggested/instructed......

8O :roll: :cry:
ps. Downloaded ALL SOP and Training material