So far, I'd have to say that the TG has been getting MUCH more play every day than the SWAT4 server ever got in a month.
I'd say this was a good decision for us.
We have had some great games lately as we are using the "adversarial" server more and more like the "Live Fire" server we first intended.
As the tactics and planning are improving, so is the fun level--at least for me.
Obviously, the more players we can get in there, the more fun we have with it. Anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, please take the time to do it.
Remember, if you have TS access, then you have TG access. The password is restricted, so please do not give it out to anyone. If you are not an SAS member and you think that you or someone you know would like to experience the "Live Fire" server, please let a member know and we can look into granting that access.
If anyone else has any comments about the TG or has ways to improve it, please let us know. Thanks again.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Yes i must say myself. I personally hate Rvs Adversarial, but the Live fire server is a great new aspect into re-educating the bigger 'adver' community into tactical play.. I love it
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I don't believe I've played adversarial yet on RVS, is that just human vs. human teams?
Yeah and with tactics it's bloody brilliant.
Yes we in the SAS EVR clan provide a great gaming experience to our friends. The tactics that are deployed are the most realistic in the gaming community. Enhancing our gaming experience to our members and our friends on the Training Ground brings a new level of gaming to the community.
Ranger you need to get onto the TG soon mate.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
the time I've spent on TG server was brilliant, all coordinated and strategic plans benefit the team and have proven to be better then those who run off trying to run 'n' gun.
gonna play rvs soon and i hope there are people available to play some more live fire.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Let me also say that, when on Live Fire mode, this server is a 10-man server, allowing for 2 elements of 5, and some great time to plan. Its just like co-op, except you cannot pre-empt the locations and mindset of the enemy...It is a revelation i tell you, a revelation !!
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yes agree with the Maj, It is AWSOME!!!
It makes ADV into something resembling tactics.
Yep it sure does there Cougar, A team of 2 usin Tatics can Eat up a team of 4 for a snack.
They learned that lesson the hard way HAHA!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Sounds good hopefully I'll catch some Adv. matches this week