I just bought Rainbow Six: Vegas today, and I love it...
I have to tell you all, it's nothing like the originals we all know and love: the planning stage is something i miss, but the game is still a load of fun.
I haven't played multiplayer at all yet, in fact i only just finished the first mission, and it was a fairly long one. I hope some of you have the game, because I'm looking to coordinate with a few serious players and see if we can't graft a little of the SAS style into this newly formatted game...
Can't wait to play with you guys, I gotta go dust off my tac gear.
Being the poor sod, all my money is pre-marked for ArmA
I nearly bought Vegas but a mouse and a power strip I thought would be more fun hehe.
a new motorbike and ArmA are on my shipping list at the moment however work is increasing so that means money, in the near future once i get my bike sorted, why not.
Train Hard - Fight Easy
Hey Merge
Sorry M8 my next game is ArmA, but perhaps one day
Just bought R6:V actually, but my computer was a little out of date so i failed most of the optimal requirements and some of the minimum requirements=( Dont worry though! A brand new computer will be shipping out from Dell to me shortly! As soon as Vista hits the market=)
Lat time i got a dell, they gave me a pice of crap video card: ATI X300 so i would customize it. And they give you all these bundled programs so i reinstalled XP the first couple days.
Hope its an XPS or some thing lol.
Yeah, something like that haha...
I won't make the same mistake and order R6:V like I did with GR:AW. No demo, no buy.
wow, R6:V already has a v1.03 patch but no demo !
I wouldn't hold my breath on that demo if I were you... I only bought the game because I got a nice fat 50 dollar gift card that helped take a chunk out of the price tag.
Put simply, the game is a great deal of fun, but it's not the Rainbow Six we're familiar with. You can still most definitely implement tactics and make it a strategic game, and the realistic difficulty setting is just that.
Wait for the price to descend to around 20-30 dollars, and I think it would be a reasonable investment. I hope some of you are getting online with me soon, these kids are starting to drive me up the wall... 8O
Hey I just bought the game from a friend for 25 EUR, sold it to me cus he couldn't run it
(no shader 3.0 support). And I must say it isn't as bad as I expected it to be but as Merge says it's not R6 as we know it, but it's also no Run and Gun like lockdown was. On realistic settings I already got killed with 1 shot a couple of times when trying some stupid rush tactics
. It's really cool how you can move from cover to cover and there are a lot of maps where leapfrogging comes in handy. When you are online get on xfire and msg me merge so we can get a game going. Oh and I also love the way you can outfit and customize your online character
iv had R6:V since chiristmas so ill play with ya, but i kinda lost xbox live last wek :cry:
Your 6 Is My 12
it probably owulod be a game for us if it wasnt for the fact that its only for 4 players in coop which is pointless
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I wouldn't mind getting it. But I have to first get the money to upgrade my computer. I have an AMD Semphron 2300+ running at 2.3 GHrz AMD and I think I need a new video card and possibly more RAM