In several sentences it states that you play RavenShield and Swat3 but no where do i read about this just an old commitment page and etcetera or am I just blind to a certain passage?
P.S. This is more clarification than anything. Thanks for all responses.
Guess GCHQ hasn't finished editing...
well i was just reading it the other day and i'm like....Swat 3.....>Swat 3.....ooohh more swat3...but no swat 4 and just thought that new members or "potentials" as i like to call them, may misunderstand that we are strictly swat 3 and therefore leave before asking...
New potential players usually come on advise to http://WWW.SASCLAN.ORG through our Training Grounds #1 (RvS) and #3 (SWAT 4 TSS).
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"