I had a surreal conversation with EZ & JB early this morning (0400hrs GMT) whilst on TS.
I happened to mention that we have just taken possession of a puppy and made the comment " i was unaware puppies were just LIKE babies" i.e. they wake every couple of hours etc. I also mentioned that its hair was eveywhere already.... :roll:
JB then decided to tell me about his experiences during the early hours, whilst EZ mentioned that he too recalled the time spent up and down through the night..... :?
I confirmed to them that i was in fact talking about a puppy, at which point JB & EZ both said they thought I called babies... puppies!! .........both said that they were confused & tired, said goodbye and left lol
Not a conversation i had ever imagined taking place at 4am on TS lol
Thanks lads... you made my morning
Yep ya sure had us a goin there Carter,LOL, Ya know they aint really much difference in raisin them, when they hollar if ya dont do somethin quick there is an awful smellin mess to clean up, one leaves it in a package and the other leaves it in a pile, and one ya need a rag and the other ya need a shovel, I prefer the shovel cause theres more distance between it and ya nose.lol.
Ya know, I am really glad the wife did most of the diaper changin cause she has a stronger stomach than I did.
OMG, am I glad I missed this conversation....LMAO
Hehe So am I Spawn.... Men talking about puppys???? 8O
I think Ez has the right idea, the shovel-route smells less
are you guys also wearing skirts in front of the pc while having these conversations?
A beer for you Timbo :w
Naw she dont make me wear dresses yet, but I do have dish pan hands.
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Only on a Sunday.... if she lets me.
Hmm, this brings to mind some strange goings on in PG#3 with Lake, Miles, Noer, Rasa, and a lot of alcohol between them >_>
oh no spidey,
those were the " nacked tuesdays"
always fun
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Oh please do tell
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Trust me, you don wanna know.... we wanna forget...
I hate those nightmares it gave me
Men dressing up as females :alien
And how could I forget about Lazko "Lizzy" Striker lol
I dont care who's behind me on the list

I dont know how you count in Norway Medic...but the next thing after one (me) is sero normally........
Hmmm maybe you should be worried just in case you make a sudden stop.
You don't want to have an accident and get rear ended! Maybe the best place is at the end, eh? ROTFL :w B: S:
This has come Full Swing...from "Child puppys", to "Naked Tuesdays"...OMG
"Did the Baby get ur Dingo?"
I asked my girlfriend this question:
How many men do you need to open a can of beer?
She did not answer, she went to the fridge and got one, opened it and gave it to me.
And that was the answer: None, it should be open when you bring it to me.
I married that one
I think you found one of the few women, who wouldn't bring it back opened, and then poor it on you
I'm tha man
it cost you 50 Tulips to get One Can of Beer Opened, How many Tulips is that for a 6-pack?
Well she got me a beer just now... but forgot to open it 8O :roll: :roll:
Hahahaha !!!
Yeah, the effect start to wear off you know, 50 Tulips only serve one Can of Beer opened to the man...
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -