My name is Jens and my nickname is Polzz and i've played in the SAS Training Ground 1# in a couple weeks now ad i'm looking for a Rct seat in the SAS.
I have played with ghost,pitman,sniper,JB,miles,medic and more in the SAS server.
I'm from sweden and I am 16 years old.
I think i have the skills enough to join and i'm mature enough to join I also am very patient with planning.
I have xfire, the username is "polzmaker"
peace out
Welcome to the forums Polz.
Be sure to read the Training + Tactics section and learn the tactics that the SAS uses.
Or better yet play on the server regularly and watch them in action.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome...see you on the sas-server.
Welcome Polzz , Hope to see you on the server soon!
hi polzz cu soon
Welcome to the Forums Polzz
Keep playing well on the servers and remember that we are watching ! hehehe.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Thx man, ill do my best.
A warm welcome on the forums Polz
Greetings, hope to run into you are the servers
Welcome to the forums Polzz, see you on tg1 soon. Just remember what your favorite game is
Hi Polzz.
We had some good games tonight. Cu at TG1
Can someone pls explain TG1,
I'm still learning, so sorry.
//Polzz :?
TG1 = Training Ground #1
Thats the SAS server you are playing on. (Ravenshield)
TG3 is the SWAT server of SAS
Oh, right
, don't know all the word explanations.
I'm also very sorry about my bad english, still learning remember
//Peace out
Well TG#1 is just our lazy way of writing Training Grounds Number One hehehe.
In English it's common convention when using letters instead of words that the First letter of each word is used and capitalized.
So, Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code would become BASIC.
Although it's more a courtesy then it is a rule (English sucks.... lol)
Nice one...
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"