Please sign this petition

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Please sign this petition

Please sign this petition to Adobe/Macromedia asking for native BSD support of flashplayer.

Being able to easily install flashplayer using graphical installers is the only thing that is making it hard for many people to use PC-BSD on the desktop. You know the number of web sites that use flash, even if just for background adds.

On PC-BSD you ether need to download the file & play it in a media player or install the Linux Firefox and Flashplayer7 ports which is a poor excuse of support even to GNU/Linux users. [IMHO].

I ask if you have an e-mail address (you can have it kept private), would like to see the WWW availible to all internet users including the operating system family that had a part in the development of the WWW and Networking. To please sign this and ask others to sign it.

Mine is the 2221st name on the petition, I'm proud to support the idea that the internet should be accessible to all computer users.

For the love of petes sister the work of early BSD helped make the internet and TCP/IP networking possible !

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

To be brutally honest, I can't think of many things that I care about less.

In an ideal world, yes it should be compatible with whatever OS you choose to use. But, by using an OS that's not mainstream, you're accepting that you're gonna have issues with compatibility.

I'm not really naive enough to believe it's gonna change, because there is no financial incentive for Adobe. I'm quite sure that the company is run by a total bunch of shits, as are the majority of corporate giants. But, that's the way of the world.

Seems that if you want life to be made easy, you gotta use whatever OS the man tells you to use.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

I voted YES... only cause I hate the monopoly that Windows has on the computer industry...

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago


Windows NT based, Unix like (GNU/Linux, BSD, and comerical Unix), and Mac OS are mainstream. If you want some thing small go look up BeOS or ReactOS.

Linux and BSD are the only real Desktop suitable OSes I know of that are mainstream beside Windows and Mac. Oh most any one I know of who knows any thing about computers has at least heard of or used Linux or BSD. in fact a major BSD forum has a record of over 5,000 users logged in at one time & it's just a forum not the OS ! Compare to MSFN's 3800 some.

When I look at an operating system that can be traced geneticly back to the 1970s! And still be in service today on the web, helped make the web and is a kickass desktop/workstation used by milions (if not billions) of people I'd call it mainstream.

Persionally I feel that when the bastnitches turn down a few hundred thousand people from the FreeBSD community it's gonna hit very many blogs & forums & articles & their wikipedia pages e.t.c. and dent the companies image.

Even ATI and Nvida have drivers for native BSD, allot of popular software even works.

GNU/Linux people are all ready screaming in their thousand diffrent directions for better support, which Adobe is *trying* for.

Adze, I have never had a single problem with software compatiblity on this OS other then flash inless it comes from trying to run non-portable Windows Applications like internet explorer or X-Fire e.t.c. (Although people have used I.E. on PC-BSD lol)

The fact that a a gigaload of servers with uptimes longer then any Windows machine I've had alone makes it worth while.

PS: I hope you signed too En4cer, it's not just a poll ^_^

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

Well, I never had stability issues with Windows XP either....

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I voted no because if it is not proftiable to do with other OS then the cost will be charged to those that use the popular ones.

Also the way it is worded makes it a bigger issue than it actually is.

It is infact a company not doing some thing which is not profitable. Not some evil company controling who has access to the web.


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I voted no because if it is not proftiable to do with other OS then the cost will be charged to those that use the popular ones.

On both sides of the Unix like pond there are many programmers who are willing to work on porting it free of charge just to have it done, only the company prevents them from helping.

Infact the folks at GNU have been trying to design GNASH, a replacment and Free-Software program that can handle what flash does. Thats a little extrememe IMHO but if you look at linux-flashplayer7 on BSD it's better then nothing.

How is flashplayer any more proftiable on windows? You don't buy it when you install it, I know I never have. Now software for web-development I'd expect but BSD has enough of that all ready Smile

I'm sorry guys, but I can't stand seeing major OSes being treated like second, third, and fourth rate citizens. Even a Virus deserves better.

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

I would vote Yes, but as its direclty against Adobe i cannot.

Macromedia is owned by Adobe, and it would be hipocritical of me, seeing as im using Macromedia products to im prove the experience of all who hit

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)