Cool page where you can design your own rifle.
Add parts from your favourite weapons and post them up here!
I made a futuristic M4 Carbine with:
extended barrel
elevated Eotech red dot
IR/Laser marker
Vertical grip
Marksman pistol grip
... and lots of other parts that doesnt really belong there lol.
that looks like a freaking awesome gun!
But it looks very heavy, how much do you think it would weigh?
Very Very nice find

[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
nice find there Valroe!
the mag is placed bad. :?
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Get a girlfriend m8
Geeze Valroe, that looks like a amalgamation of a Minimi mated with an H&K lol.
As for me, well I believe in the right tools for the job (and a bit of form-follows-function ascetics as well).
Close-Quarters environment: Spider MK II, 5.56x45mm Carbine and P-20k pistol (10mm)
General operations: Spider MK IV assault weapon
and a pimped out Spider MK IV "Alpha" that is fully pimped out
Since exactly what I want isn't available, you'll have to use a little imagination rather then pure real-world-to-image mappings of equipment.
Heres what I would like to have for a CQB situation if I could make my own.
Collapsible Stock
Custom groove Pistol Grip
Back up Iron sight
Semi-Automatic, three-round burst, and Automatic fire selector lever
Gangster(Forward) Grip
Red dot Lazer
Short barrel
Piston operated(like the M-8 series weapons)
30 Rd HK magazine
SD Optional
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Cool site
lol it's kinda ... dunno what like 
It's not that realistic but anyways lol.
Another one that's quite more realistic
SAS Rocks!!!
awsome fine valroe
this is gonna be fun lol
scout nice what is it the cobra?
how do i add my image?
Use that code:
SAS Rocks!!!
*swoons* when can we have this in Swat4?
M24 in all its simple, yet elegant beauty.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
"He did not flee at Uppsala, but slaughtered as long as he had a weapon."
one of my favorite SWS's Para'. Best Sniper rifle ever made. Simple, Accurate, Reliable.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Modeling a bolt action sniper in SWAT 4 would be doable, as would be implementing one in the game code; making the animations and having to have the whole wide world install the sniper-rifle on the other hand, is a bit of a problem
Awesome, I shall expect a shiney green colored m24 by Wednesday then.
Sadly, there is not much use for the m24 in Swat4, but then again thats why I have ARMA1/2, reaching out from maximum range to spread the love.
It will be cool once more of the weapons listed are added to the pimp machine as well.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
"He did not flee at Uppsala, but slaughtered as long as he had a weapon."
Oi Para.... we've already chatted about this, stop spreading the love
This is my dream of a room clearing CQB weapon.
Based on the FN-P90 frame, instead of the 3 stacked
magazines I put in for size, think 20 rounds of double stacked
12 guage ammo. I based this on the Monolith MP-12 which
unfortunately turned out to be vaporware. I put in the laser
for show since this was pimp my gun. The only purpose for a
laser, is for training or intimidation.
I really wanted the MP-12 to come out so I would have another space
age shotgun to replace my High Standard 10B
Sadly, me and Spidey chatted more about my love of high caliber rifles and field craft.
That and watching the poor excuse for good sniper tactics in ARMA 2 videos has left me sad indeed.
err...I mean love what love, I am spreading no such thing(*hides range card*)
Si vis pacem, para bellum
"He did not flee at Uppsala, but slaughtered as long as he had a weapon."
Scout mate how would you be able to look through that HD sight with all that rubbish on the barrel lol.
Im working on my own Pimped Out SA80 and just for you Valroe a good Pimped out HKG3.
How does the mixture of the FN mimi and the M16 sound.........Hope no executive from Colt see this lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Haha para, I'm sure ..... actually wanted to say something else but I'm positive that would be censored
Sometimes..... some of you guys...REALLY scare me
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Sniper, it worked on both my M4 in Iraq and Afghanistan.The PEQ-2 surprisingly, does not block the reticule within AIMPOINT, EOTECH, ACOG and the list goes on.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Must be fun until your double A's run out lol.
PCC's and PCI's- Google it
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Have to admit, this is pretty addicting...hehe
that pistol actually reminds me of the hand gun my Cobra Commander action figure came with many Christmases ago... lol. (I also really like that 1st weapon)
It is Addictive...LOL
Here's my one!

And a bit of stupidity here.
-Picture from 'True Lies'
your bit of stupidity looks like a gun i would use to wage a one man war ROTFL
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
It's customly changed to chambre 5.56x39 mm armorpiercing-rounds, which is shown together with the MP5 original 9x19 mm Parabellum rounds.
Except for the stock, that actually reminds me of a toy gun from a Jurassic Park 2 action figure... a good number of years ago lol.
This is my new PW... HK416 with aimpoint, flashlight and grip as standard. Valroe -- look forward to it...
In Ravenshield I sometimes suspect the tangos of using one of these: